❤️ Extreme Personal Face Touching! Let Me Pamper You! Close Up!

ASMR Gina Carla

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24 Responses

  1. I feel like a baby someone takes care of… Oh god, again I'm 1y.o. Thanks 😂😂

  2. 九川 says:


  3. I love these close up attention videos, positive affirmations and uplifting. Your soft whispering voice is the best Gina!! Thank youuuuu

  4. Anna Krūze says:

    I just watched your video. At one time I thought I was baby and you were my mom and you put me to sleep.

  5. what?did am became a baby?

  6. Rein P says:

    But we are so different

  7. Ali Ma says:


  8. Safi Asmr says:

    What lipstick/liner do you use?!? 😍😍😍😍

  9. Movagrio says:

    Those mics are stronger than my wifi. But then again, anything's stronger than my wifi

  10. Jayden 5 says:

    You should teach German language in ASMR

  11. You are amazing, Gina! Thank you! I just had the best tingles just hearing you say my name. All the best to you! ♥️♥️♥️

  12. Love u Gina! ❤🤣✌

  13. Ning says:

    It’s ridiculously funny like she’s so prefect and innocent on YouTube let’s just pretend we don’t watch her videos on pornhub.

  14. hi carla, you are a beautiful inspiration for many you are a life lover I listen to your vlog when you are driving gives me a lot of peace.❣

  15. My dreams seem a bit less demented. Possibly even not demented, although they are probably still demented. But I’m not sure. Sometimes it’s hard to tell.

    Had at least a couple last night. One that I remember is I was dreaming from the perspective of a woman, up on a hill or mountain vista. There was a building there, like a house. I was running from a man for some reason. I went through the house and to some kind of a cliff on the hill, wherein it was a steep drop but there were a series of ledges. I platform jumped the ledges and escaped from the man chasing me.

    This dream is probably inane and probably has no meaning, but just in case I’m sharing. I think them having me dream from the perspective of someone who is clearly defined as a woman is relatively rare. Maybe that means something.

    The vibe wasn’t insane. Like this woman simply had to get away from the man chasing her, and she did. I don’t think he was heavily featured.

  16. Nice… Thank you so much Gina Carla… From Costa 🇨🇷 Rica pura vida darling!!! 💙💙💚💚

  17. T. says:

    I haven't felt stress lately, knock on wood but I enjoyed seeing you and hearing that gentle voice just the same.

  18. André Melo says:

    I love you Gina! You're the best….❤️

  19. I appreciate you Gina.

  20. I'm going to make business related Youtube videos. I'm going to focus on Youtubers. Programmers note.