🎧ASMR – Shredded Paper Relaxing Sounds

Mia Lasswell

#ASMR #ShreddedPaper #RelaxSounds

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” Welcome to my little world “


10 Responses

  1. Ted W says:

    Hey Mia, how are you? This remind me we need another paper tearing vid from you! Please please please😘😘😘

  2. I love you, beautiful girl

  3. John Sarah says:

    You hands sound dry.

  4. When you destroy please

  5. MagicTammi says:

    Very nice Mia. I like best though, the videos where you tear up paper and you rip it in half lots of times and tear through thick piles of paper.

  6. peter paul says:

    Please soon your beautiful ripping videos!!!!!!!!😘 :-))))