1 hour of Ambient Fantasy Music | Tranquil Atmospheric Ambience | Enchanted Lands

The Guild of Ambience

Enchanted Lands – Volume 1 (Download MP3 and FLAC available through Gumroad: https://gum.co/MBnb)
A 60-minute atmospheric journey drifting through contrasts of light and dark, evoking imagery of realms both ancient and mystical.
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Photography courtesy of Pixabay.com: https://pixabay.com/en/forest-fog-misty-grunge-trees-371223/
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31 Responses

  1. Fly away from these morbid miasms; Go purify yourself in the upper air, and drink, as a pure and divine liquor, the clear fire that fills the limpid spaces! (Charles Baudelaire)

  2. This. Is. Fantastic.
    Please do more!!

  3. thank you, it is so mystic and powerful

  4. Tara Murray says:

    currently using this during our Pathfinder session right now, I'm in charge of the music when we remember to use it.

  5. Jamokai says:

    beyond any written story, this takes you on a soul journey. close your eyes and go where it takes you.

  6. Raidou Ng says:

    This track from Guild of Ambience is the best lol, i am listening to this over and over , it's like i can't get bored with this :O~! Congratz ~!

  7. Brutaux says:

    Where is the rest??? I could go for 20 more hours, best ambient mix out there!

  8. Abhay Rexwal says:

    I listen this for studying

  9. I’m trying to metatate

  10. I love it to

  11. Spy Burner says:

    Makes me feel like I've just come home, to a place of being one, not identifying with the identity of my thoughts but simply being the essence of who i am.

  12. This video has fueled my writing juices astronomically!

  13. so man i apreciate it i really like those music type.

  14. Monkey says:

    On a night of stars the tree sang to me. She sang her song of the creatures that passed before. Oh, the tales, I could read through it’s ironbark.

    Old, wise tree was my dream world, to climb on eerie nights. She stood before me like no tree before. Roots ran across the shy dust like roads do run across our country, the trunk spurted out of green grass as if it were sentient. And to me, that it was.

    Through her ancient bark, I heard the stories. The stories of insects, animals and plants. The stories of wanderers, explorers and listeners. Oh the stories she could tell…
    The night I discovered her leaves was the night of dragons, the night of elves, the night of dwarves. They became the rawest green i had ever seen, when i listened to those tales. The sky, Illuminated with pictures to accompany.

    Only on a night of no light could I truly see the truth. The bark I could write on, the leaves I could pluck. The Stories of it I could mesh, and mold, and refold.

    On a night of moon i sang to the tree. I sang it the song of my creatures I had seen. Oh, the tales it could hear through my Iron hand…

  15. Moonchild says:

    i was very angry a minute ago and now i'm calm like ????

  16. Tory Jones says:

    A Fantastic ride! I was able to zone out for untold moments of time! And the ending is PERFECT!!!👍🏽😎👍🏽 greatly done!🎯

  17. Bak RD says:

    Very nice! Been one of my favorite pieces for some time now. Am I hearing bits from the Blade Runner?

  18. Curios. Cat says:

    This is so beautiful, I listen to this whenever I'm having a bad mood. Thanks for uploading! 😊

  19. LEVRAN says:

    16:41 im so seeing this in a trailer of a fantasy movie… with magic and everything… and there r footsteps on dried gruss sounds and a little boy (who will once grow big and have a sword and slay witches type of boy) that asking another grown up man who walks with him questions…. and there's a cutscene after everytime he asks about a specific monster to his grown up life when he kills it or fight it…. this is just so powerful and dreamy…. the witcher styleee mannn im so highhh

  20. Gratidão. Maravilhoso trabalho. Estou usando nos meus momentos de relaxamento.

  21. The best so far, love this!

  22. Pancake says:

    Please tell me where this photo was taken, i really need to go there and stand right at that clearing before i die, listening to this ambience.

  23. "…Here were dragons…"😢

  24. The death of the human body is not only inevitable, but necessary, too.

  25. Crunchu says:

    Hey, you, youre finally awake

  26. Sessival says:

    This is so awesome, so awesome that I think it was worth paying for the FLAC. Great job with this absolutely ethereal mix, been listening to it everyday almost for weeks.

  27. Tiaan Kotze says:

    My pet chameleon listened to this. Now he is a DRAGON🦎🐉

  28. absolutely beautiful. thank you