10 Hour Live Study with Me || Step 2 CK Prep

A Med Student’s Journey

Welcome to my live stream! The goal is for us to study together; I use the pomodoro method of studying for 60 minutes with ten minute breaks, during which we chat a bit! I am preparing for Step 2 CK (details about how are on my blog) and I’m really happy to have you here.

Scroll down for frequently asked questions.

Schedule for the average 90/15 day:
6:15: live starts
6:30-8: 1st session
8:15-9:45: 2nd session
10-11:30: 3rd session
45 min to 1 hour lunch break for me
afterwards, we continue with 90/15 until gray timer goes down! 🙂

Understanding the screen:
TIME & DATE: upper left-hand corner (timezone is Central European time zone)
FOREST ROOM CODES: will be shared at the start of each break (more or less) – you can only join before the room has started! Read below for more details on Forest.

Next livestream can be found on the schedule: https://amedstudentsjourney.com/upcoming-study-livestream-check-my-calendar/

Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/a.medstudents.journey/

Affiliate links:
Items I use that are on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/shop/a.medstudents.journey
Paperlike screen protector: http://paperlike.com/medstudent
2 months free trial of Skillshare classes: https://skillshare.eqcm.net/ddJRk

Where are you from? I study in Eastern Europe (I prefer not to share the country for privacy reasons.)

What are you studying? I study medicine; I’m in my 5th year. Every day I cover a random assortment of clinical topics, from pediatrics to ophthalmology.

Will you be live tomorrow? Probably! Check my schedule (see above).

What is Forest/what are Forest rooms? Forest is an anti-procrastination app that helps block your phone while you study. It is free on Android, but you need to pay for premium. On iOS, you have to buy the app and it includes premium. With premium, you can join Forest rooms/sessions with us, helping plant a tree.

If you wither a tree, please tell us why. If you kill 2 trees within a day, I will ask you not to join any more rooms until we can figure out what went wrong on your end. If you do join, I will remove you until we troubleshoot the issue.

Add me on Forest via: a.medstudent.journey@gmail.com

How can you study for so long? I make sure to get enough sleep (7.5-8 hours nearly each night), and I frequently switch tasks to keep myself engaged. Sometimes I get distracted, after all, no one is perfect. In those cases, I think of each new study session as a fresh start.

Huge thank you to the moderators who are volunteering their time to make sure the study chat stays active but useful:
– Sharon
– Helena

Support me and this stream with a cup of coffee at https://ko-fi.com/amedstudentsjourney // you being here is an enormous help and support, and I am very grateful. I set up this Ko-Fi because the cost of running this stream and my blog, Instagram, etc. comes out of pocket. Many of the improvements that I’d like to make I cannot as of yet, so any support you lend would go towards improving my platforms.

Livestream community guidelines:
– We mostly chat during the breaks! If you see too much chatting during a session, you can hide the chat.
— Excessive chatting will be timed out.
— Self-promo (own channel, etc.) will be immediately timed out.
– Please always be polite and respectful of others, and we ask that you do not use *ALL CAPS* when chatting, because it seems as if you are yelling.
– English is the common language of this stream, so everyone can understand and partake in the conversation(s). Thank you for understanding, and if it turns out you’re from a country who’s language I know a little bit, I’ll be sure to say hi 🙂
– If I don’t answer your comment/question in a timely manner, it might be a) because I’m actually studying, or b) because it got lost in all the messages and I didn’t realize. Feel free to remind me/ask nicely again, and my apologies.
– It goes without saying but: no cursing, no hateful comments, and no spam. I will mute any spam accounts, should they pop their little heads into here. But hopefully they shan’t!
— — spam will not be tolerated; I have very limited time to study, and all of our time is precious. If you feel like you have been unjustly ‘timed out’, please let me know.
– If I disappear mid-stream, one of two things have happened: I had an intense urge to use the bathroom (that’s what constantly drinking water gets me) or a package has arrived. Either way, I’ll most likely pop right back in, do not despair! 🙂

Check out my blog for some resources: www.amedstudentsjourney.com

Music I’m listening to (if I’m listening): Study Music Collaborative Playlist on Spotify

Epic Soundtracks Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1AyHFZ0Vnd6C0Tk7lnatgc?si=CWYgPUCJRRusB3XoEpdfuA

Stream background music: Unicorn Heads


2 Responses

  1. pranay 102 says:

    Such type of hard work deserves everything in life….best of luck to you…God bless✌️

  2. nour_maher8 says:

    god bless you ….. your patients will be v.lucky to have you
    please , do more lives using this sound 😉