30 Days Painting Challenge | Day 06♡ Real Time/ ASMR | hazelsky


Hello Youtube People♡
I have taken 30 days painting challenge!
Today’s video is 1st attempt of freestyle painting, i have never done this before,it is really a nice way of painting.
And also it is REAL TIME/ASMR video,thats why it is too long.
So I wanted to share my journey with you all!
(I use Instagram or pinterest to find paintings so credits to owner)
Hope you like it.
Don’t judge me.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CHU7xZwBDi9/?igshid=azwm6ca0bkjw


2 Responses

  1. ❤️❤️❤️💘❤️💘

  2. 😍❤️💜💖💖