3D Printed Astronaut – ASMR Painting

Nikodem Bartnik

It’s 50th anniversary of moon landing this year, so to celebrate I decided to paint a 3D printed astronaut as realistically as I can. And the result is … Well, see for …


22 Responses

  1. Silently watching astronaut being painted silently.

  2. Renzo Agus says:


  3. New tittle: Silently dying in pain by sand paper scratching

  4. Rouverius says:

    "Man, that may have been a small one for Nikodem, but that's a long one for me." – Pete Conrad (Apollo 12) probably
    It's a fitting tribute and a great final result!
    (Clever sneaking the Poland flag in there. LOL!)

  5. Maciek M says:

    Taki patent ciekawy jak byś był zainteresowany, wydrukuj coś 3d na kartce z wydrukiem z drukarki laserowej 😉

  6. Jay Joshi says:

    Please find hydrographic paint transfer to 3d prints

  7. 3DWatsch says:

    I love the Donauwalzer 🙂

  8. One Truth says:

    Anyone catch only polish man to ISS, telling the world the earth is flat? Kind of puts a damper on the whole Apollo stuff does it not? But I do enjoy the meticulous work you do. Sort of 2001 soundtrack. Now that was a good sci-fi movie for 1968.

  9. You should have put out the sound of the sizzle and all the sounds you make. It would be an even better video

    Johann Strauss and his The Blue Danube deserve to be mentioned in the description.

  10. Wondering how long 'till youtube mutes the video due to music copyright 😉

  11. John Colvin says:

    Well that's different! Thanks Nikodem.

  12. Jake Bozz says:

    Lots of patience, Nikodem. This project was probably a nice, calm, pleasant change…

  13. The Nihilist says:

    Hey you're making me impatient. Where the CNC project you promised?!!

  14. silently commenting….

  15. i dont know why i was expecting an ASMR until the music starts

  16. a polish astronaut i see

  17. fly far_away says:

    How much money did it cost to be printed ?
    Btw awesome video

  18. d a t g i o says:

    Elon Musk probably uses this to sleep at night

  19. murat dal says:

    Did you paint 2-3 layers? And plastic is abs or pla?