#49. Bells Beach – Oil Painting with Bells Beach Waves Crashing ASMR


Time lapse of me painting Bells Beach waves 50 x 60 cm (20″ x 23.6″) oil on canvas. Sit back and listen to the big waves crashing at Bells Beach.

Instagram: @magnetic_lizbiz

This was my first time using oil paint and it was quite the learning experience. The blending ability is awesome! I did this for a couple of hours after work over about 3 weeks (I had to stop when the sun went down because the colours were too hard to match under artificial light). Putting the foam trails and sun shimmer on the waves is totally the most fun part.

I used Monte Marte brushes, phthalo blue, french ultramarine, cadmium red deep hue, raw sienna, burnt umber, burnt sienna, viridian hue, naples yellow and titanium white Winton oil paint, and Liquin original medium from Winsor & Newton.


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