8hrs Box Fan Low Speed "Sleep Sounds" ASMR


MP3 Downloads of many of my videos at http://www.texashighdef.net
Box Fan Low Speed 8hrs “Sleep Sounds”

If you would like it at High Speed try this one.


49 Responses

  1. ufoengines says:

    Cool!   Thanks for this post. I too find box fans inspiring https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zepozgk0J3g  .

  2. Omg the best part was 2:07:54

  3. Alicia W says:

    Thank you for making this video! 🥰

  4. Why does this video have an ad embedded in it?? Isn’t the whole point of it to help you sleep without interruptions and not be startled awake by a Reese’s commercial?? I won’t be watching this video anymore.

  5. Stormdorm says:

    I like reading the comment while listening to the fan

  6. bamadeadhead says:

    LMAO, slow speed👍🏼😂👍🏼 sounds like HIGH to me…

  7. Cole Boers says:

    Why is there diss likes, like the title is fan running for 8hrs and that’s what the video exactly is. So why are there any diss likes😂😂

  8. Stop reading this start sleeping !!! 😂😂💗💗💗💗💗

  9. Vhris Jones says:

    this is racist as fuck

  10. David Brown says:

    Every time I lesson to this I can't sleep because I keep thinking this noisy fan needs oiled.

  11. Joshua Ervin says:

    I creamed myself listening to this.

  12. Ive slept to this video at least over 100 times

  13. Tolik Ebolik says:

    Ещё бы воздух теплый дул прям заебумба была бы

  14. How can I download this

  15. This relaxes me so much I get boner's!!🍆🍌🍆🍌😊

  16. Ooom Goom says:

    If you put this exact fan picture on a 4X t-shirt with your name on it, ill buy one.

  17. Can you make one with a black screen.

  18. Ryan Bugg says:

    This is glorious! Puts me in a trance every time. It's Just like the real deal. Call me crazy, but sometimes when I'm between asleep and awake, I swear I feel wind coming from my phone.

  19. rat says:

    i’m in foster care and the person i have to share a room with HATES fans, so i plug my headphones in and listen to this all night. i’ve been using fans to help me sleep for as long as i can remember, this really helps me feel at home again. THANK YOU❤️🥺

  20. Smykey 2000 says:

    Sono stato esattamente pullappato da una ragazza ora mi cago non mangio e sto male

  21. Thanks, l've tried various sites but yours is the best and l'm staying with it.

  22. Kk Farraree says:

    My favorite part is 50:08

  23. Texman4268 says:

    This fan sounds better than my real fan and the motor won't burn up!!! Thanks for this!!!

  24. Door Stopper says:

    If I were to go to sleep right now I would never know when the bass drops…

  25. Best fan video for white noise out there. I swear at least 300 of those views are mine after I found this months ago. When I get a chance I will purchase the mp3, definitely worth it.

  26. Hannah Blair says:

    Thank you so much!!! Covers the sound of my loud ass roommates!

  27. My survival video, thank you!!

  28. Ginny Sims says:

    Found this and listened to it last night, first night I have slept in so long.

  29. jhun rick says:

    I sound in by rain

  30. When ever I cant sleep cuz it's too quiet I play this. I really need to get me a box fan XD

  31. E U A N says:

    How to deal with your parents saying it’s too cold for fans in winter

  32. Logan N says:

    Get that damn fan up off the floor.

  33. Omg I should’ve just cam to YouTube in the first cause them lil fans on the white noise apps was not helping me at all

  34. Does anyone else skip through the whole video before going to bed just to make sure theres no hidden subliminal talking hidden? 😂😂

  35. This is a lot easier to listen to this than getting my lazy ass up outta bed after watching YouTube for hours to turn my fan on to sleep

  36. Taylor Brown says:

    i play this every night and it helps me sleep

  37. Just think how much money this ass wipe is making from just recording a fuckin fan

  38. It gives me a headache

  39. E U A N says:

    The most similar YouTube fan to my own fan Ever

  40. sam leva says:

    Helps me sleep through the night before this I. Would constantly wake up

  41. M. Omar says:

    Fan says : This shit is E U P H O R I A

  42. If you listen really closely with earbuds you can hear faint noises. A man screaming in pain. Then what sounds like The Grudge. I'm noticing it in other white noise videos. Different types of weird noises on different channels. Maybe some kind of creepy mind control. I do have some extremely terrifying nightmares.

  43. Peächy says:

    I used to sleep in my parents room a lot when i was little and scared of sleeping in my own room and I would fall asleep quickly because of the fans in there but now that im older im not scared of my own room but i have no fan. I usually cant get to sleep until 1-3 am sometimes and i have to be up at 6:30 and go to school at 7:30. And then i would get tired at school and falling asleep which is both embarrassing and I don't do work which brings my grades down. recently i started listening to this when i sleep and it works really well. thanks 👌

  44. Mtv Madness says:

    my box fan broke and im waiting for my replacement but this has been useful.

  45. Queen T says:

    I pulled the cover on me at 8:20

  46. Austin Koch says:

    About to buy some yogaduke merch for myself and the ol’ lady Really big fan of this channel and fan noise in general.