ASMR Request/Soft spoken chat/Painting finger nails

Rebecca’s Beautiful ASMR Addiction

This request is for Tralli Valli. She asked me to just chat about myself or anything. My hand motions had some significance but I just couldn’t chat without …


24 Responses

  1. Charlotte P says:

    I'm still watching your video but I wanted to sent you well wishes to you I hope you feel better real quick ♥️ look after yourself and take the time to heal

  2. Lesli Smith says:

    You are so appreciated for the wonderful videos even when request can not be met or met right away

  3. Lesli Smith says:

    Feel Better. Thoughts and Prayers. Hugs

  4. This was sooo relaxing!

  5. I guess we cant always agree on everything all the time. It takes many different cookies to fill the jar 😂😍

  6. Amy Quinn says:

    I’ve just come across your channel and really enjoying it! Your voice is very soothing. I’d love to request a hair play/brushing video. One with the sound of a spray bottle would be awesome. Looking forward to seeing it in 6 months+ haha take care. 🇦🇺

  7. Perfect timing for my insomnia! Thank you for putting out this continuous great content! We appreciate it so greatly

  8. The watch is gorgeous and sounds so pretty when you tap on it. So sorry you are feeling bad. Sending you lots of healing energy and prayers for a speedy recovery. Wishing you an amazing week ♡

  9. Tonsil says:

    See how powerful well-recorded audio actually is? Who would've ever imagined that I'd enjoy watching a video of someone painting their nails? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    You're actually incredibly smart to go straight for a soft-spoken version, as opposed to your usual pattern of uploading a "No talking" one first which would've bored the undies off of me, regardless of your sexy hand-model paws. 😂😂

    This one, I don't even have to watch, I can simply listen to it. 🎧 ✓

    Wonderful voice work as always! 😘😘

  10. Kerin says:

    Thank you for a wonderful chat! It never ceases to amaze me how you can sit and chat as though we are just across the table. It is a real art! I wish that I had the space to tell you how well I understand the challenges of relating to adult sons. I have three sons who are all very bright and head strong. Bless you for sharing with us and for your kind efforts to meet people's requests. You seem like such a sweet lady with so much to give and it comes across in your voice. I will continue to lift you up in my prayers xx

  11. Sorina M43 says:

    Yaaaaaay!!! Hand movements, nail polishing and Rebecca chatting – what a most perfect combo for a most relaxing afternoon!! I feel you sooo much, Becky , I myself keep on having this terrible, absolutely terrible headache and this annoying sore throat for 3 weeks now , I keep on drinking 600 mg paracetamol-based hot drinks on and on (for too long at this point!!) , but nothing happens, the sickness is still here, though, just like in your case, it hasnt affected my voice or anything. Dont feel bad about the disagreement you had with your son ! I think it's only natural to have different opinions and for kids to take into consideration their parents' opinion, even if they dont necessarily agree with it – at least that s what I m doing with my folks, i always respect what they have to say, no matter how passionately they're trying to convince me (well, generally, they never fail in convincing me heheh). I m sooooo glad you made this video, cant wait to play it fully (I couldnt help not writing to you a few words before I watch it fully hehehe, i m only 15 minutes in) Be right back after I finish watching it 😊😉😘😘😘

  12. Llegué un poco tarde pero acá estoy querida Rebecca ❤🇲🇽

  13. B R says:

    Lovely video, so nice to watch and lovely tapping. Your nails get so beautiful, like your hands 😍😍😊. I will listen more closely when I am back from vacation. Wonderful video Rebecca!!

  14. Sorina M43 says:

    Having watched this two times already!!! And getting ready for the third round hehe! I'd watch you and listen to you FOR HOOOOUUUURSSSS, on and on!!!! I 'm soon to be 42 years old and I already have those "age spots" , as you call them, ever since I was 34! Too bad I cant send you a photo of my hands for you to see . ! You need NOTHING fixing, trust me!! Nothing to be fixed, you are GORGEOUS all over ! Love you once and love you twice and love you thrice and bless you once and bless you twice and bless you thrice, stay joyful and happy for ever for all the good you do in this world! Hugs and kisses to you tooooo! 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗

  15. Sam O'Connor says:

    Another brilliant video thank you. I pray that you feel better soon dear lady.

  16. Ashly Sweets says:

    Hey luv, thank you for your awesome videos. This isn’t the tastiest of remedies but try adding a little organic apple cider vinegar to your oj or tea to kill any yucky cold symptoms. Also fresh pineapple helps soothe throat and cough. Get well soon!

  17. Rebecca, you are such an amazing woman. I want to just sit and listen to you and your advice all day. Thank you for being you and for sharing yourself with us. God bless you 🥰😃 🙏🏻

  18. K f says:

    Thank you for another wonderful video. My thoughts and prayers are with you for you to get better soon.

  19. Lourdes says:

    La amooo😍 siempre veo sus videos🥰

  20. Miss Rebecca, I’m liking this ‘Storytime’ video. Sometimes I like talk about 12-step groups, therapy, past relationships, new beginnings, arguments with mom (or in this case, argument with son). There are only a few ASMR artists who do ‘Storytime’ that I really like. I find people’s stories fascinating.

    I hope you feel better.

    Also, I detest how I feel when my mom and I argue and I love her so much that I never want to be far from her. My fiancé and I live only a few miles from my parents. But sometimes old wounds and past hurts come up between us and it’s only human. Our life has been a winding, difficult, and joyous road.


  21. ZaraStyles says:

    I wear my watch under my wrist too!

  22. Hi,i wish you can put translation in french because I love your videos .

  23. Kelly Evans says:

    Hi Rebecca, i knew we were alot alike when i saw your face reveal…and the way u were kinda laying down getting the best angle was important ect…im adhd and extremely busy with my hands and just walking around all the time. I like u have no problem with cosmetic surgery..if it helps one’s self esteem go for it! I do color and highlight my hair though, not ready to be mousy grey which is the color it gets if i dont color! Im not a grandma ..yet..i have one child , he is 24, just turned as of jan 31 and is getting ready to graduate college. He will have a bachelor degree in business he also went to DJ school in Chicago and plays in clubs and festivals..weddings too! Im veryproud of him. I always wanted to be a singer and play quitar, always had a good voice but was too insecure to sing in public , ever…even in front of family, I just couldnt do it…what a shame! Now that im married to my 3rd husband , four years on feb 25, my life is xhangeing..he explained so much to me that I never understood..even as far as my perception being off my whole life due to adhd..its like you dont mature or grow up when u have untreated adhd so after 54 years I am beginning to see things as they really are….im almost 58 with an eighteen year olds mnd set….yup immature! He has lived all over the world during his stint in the military so he is pretty wordly plus he is just plain old intelligent.I now have two guitars and have been learning to play now for about 5 years on and off( i do about 5 things all at once and non too good!)
    I too have been in abuseive relationships, beatings, held at gunpoint and threatened at knife point repeatedly by my 2nd husbnd…i think i live with ptsd but my anxiety issues , ive had since I was a little girl…I think that is from the adhd and low self esteem is part of that disorder…and like you, the state of things in the world have me extremely stressed….i feel the people of the u.s. have been dumbed down purposely as we are easier to control when we cant catch on to what they , our govt is doing…I often annouce on my facebook account, IF YOU ARE NOT CONCERNED BY WHATS GOING ON IN THIS WHITE HOUSE YOU ARE EITHER NOT PAYING ATTENTION, ARE RASCIST OR JUST PLAIN BRAINWASHED! Haha! Boy some of my friends lose their minds but I am right so I dont care! Anyway Rebecca, ive never noticed you have reddish hands on film, they look normal to me and wait til you see my wrinkled hands when I get my asmr channel, you would think i dug ditches in the hot sun with no gloves or sunscreen my whole life! Hahaha! I think you would be a very interesting person to talk to and have as a friend in real life…..and your words ring true, in the end and during all you need is love…keep up your excellent work! Kelly:))