Sound Assortment and Mystical Feather ASMR Bloopers


Hello everyone! Here’s a short blooper vid from my last two videos. I hope it makes you smile. πŸ™‚ Happy Viewing!

Original videos found here:

My Original Channel:
My blog:

After months of people asking, I made a paypal account. I love making these videos, so regardless of donations, I will still be doing what I love—that said, any donations are greatly appreciated.




31 Responses

  1. Coolest girl ever… πŸ˜€

  2. Short but sweet.

  3. Josh Forwood says:

    Haha this was almost as good as the original video. Thanks for the upload!

  4. Heather you are wonderful and I adore you. Just sayin' πŸ˜›

  5. Kaiju Kitty says:

    0:40 LAWL that's my expression most of the time XD

  6. bloe says:

    Classic πŸ™‚

  7. jokesterr119 says:

    We at the Troll Cat Nation really thinks you should get a new cell phone provider =(^_^)=

  8. the way you talk to ken makes me think barbie wants to either murder ken or at least seriously hurt him

  9. MaverickC45 says:

    I need actualize my data about you as fast as possible β™‘

  10. Kalis338 says:

    your sense of humor is addictive!

  11. Sorry. Didn't mean to eavesdrop but I overheard from the den. Are you cheating on me? Is this Ken from our gym? Well let me tell you something Barbie our love is worth more than some little fling. And trust me he's not worth it! I've seen Ken in the gym locker room and I can tell you for a fact he doesn't have anything downstairs if you get my drift! Now whaddya say we forget about all of this Ken stuff and make that cake together later in our new Ez bake oven. – LOL ya lots! πŸ˜‰

  12. OH…almost forgot. Funny bloopers too. Haha!

  13. Xiellion says:

    oh my god, this is priceless hahahaha πŸ˜€

  14. Heather, Ive never actually told anybody this but one of my triggers is caused by wind instruments, I didnt know if that was weird because Ive never seen a video done this way?

  15. "Legend" reference!

  16. High Roller says:

    i like your harizma)) myav

  17. <— is scared πŸ™‚ glad i found your blooper channel…

  18. Ogtheogre says:

    Soooo…. Mystical feather………..Is Heather Feather….. Aha the jig is up! πŸ˜›

  19. annb82 says:

    love this!!

  20. Gcat2210 says:

    "I'm gonna bake a cake for us later Ken!"XD

  21. :43 Identity crisis!

  22. :43 Identity crisis!

  23. :43 Identity crisis!

  24. hetaloviisa says:

    I could watch these bloopers for hours:D

  25. 0:19 shots kid in the face XD