Binaural ASMR Sounds #4


Coins, tapping, brushing

This is a binaural recording. Please wear headphones for the full 3D effect.

Any requests/ideas for new videos are greatly appreciated!


14 Responses

  1. Nova says:

    You should add some whispering into one of your vids! look to quietexperiment for inspiration maybe.

  2. Julian Suis says:

    Unless it's a girl, I don't want any whispering! That's why i'm not subscribed to those "whisperiment" channel or the other ones that have "whisper" in the channel name…I hate that whispering. Just my opinion, sorry 😛

  3. Nova says:

    implying quietexperiment isnt a girl

  4. Julian Suis says:

    I didn't say that, although I asumed it 😛
    I didn't know about that channel, thanks a lot!! I'll subscribe hehe!! sorry for the comment… 🙂
    Also, are you asking for whispering here knowing that it's a girl or you don't know?

  5. Nova says:

    i have no idea but i find it relaxing male or female (but only get asmr from female)

  6. Hey guys. I also only enjoy and get asmr from female whispering. I am a male and am not super fond of my own voice. I may try some whispering in the future, but i also think YouTube needs some high quality sounds only videos

  7. McKack says:

    If you never did whispering it wouldn't bother me. It also only works for me with female whisperers, and there's plenty of them around. You're right there's not enough quality sound stuff, which yours definitely is, so I'd say focus on sounds instead 🙂 Subbed.

  8. gurlicutie says:

    I'm glad I discovered your channel, but is it just me or do I only hear the audio on my right ear bud? If so, then there is something wrong with my ear phones :L

  9. Thank you, and thanks for your comment. The audio is in both the left and right channel for me, and I have not heard any other complaints, so I am assuming it is your setup. I hope that you can figure out the problem. I have experienced similar issues caused by a bug in flash player with my usb headphones.

  10. love sound vids, especially panning/binaural ones. thank you for this amazingness!!

  11. tj1990 says:

    Too rough…sounds were a little sharp for my liking..i like softer, slower, smother sounds…go slower..

  12. I have had 2 requests now for slower sounds. I will try and do that in my next video, I have just been making them the way that i would like them. Thanks for the input 🙂

  13. Daniel Baker says:

    Love it….thanks for the vids!