*_* Oh such a good 3D-sound ASMR video *_*

Gentle Whispering ASMR

Hey guys 😀 Long time no see. hehehe… I missed you so much.. Thank you for all of your wonderful messages and comments. I LOOOVE YOU! ♥ :*D In this …


45 Responses

  1. Edwin Kral says:

    21 mil views…damn

  2. Why do I feel like I wanna sleep?am I being triggered (in a good way)Or is it just because I am bored
    I will never know for sure

  3. Wow!!! I remember when this video had like 500,000 views on it. I watched it a lot while I was still in college and had problems sleeping. So proud of you Maria!! ♥️

  4. shaz says:

    Still watching this in Nov 2019…love this one

  5. 邪玄阁主 says:


  6. Chango says:

    This was the first asmr video I watched

  7. Akessa blish says:

    I literally looked up viewed asmr video and this popped up

  8. Back to the classics

  9. I like to see maria when she was so simple , exactly the old style russian girl who is not into the latest trends or luxury stuff. She changed a lot, to the good , she is more sexy and stylish now . Even her features changed , is showing she is not anymore that shy and weak girl. She knows her value now , I know it was a long journey until here

  10. ShivalkP says:

    This is so important it should be on the voyager spacecraft's golden record lol

  11. ishipit says:

    This is the first ASMR video I’ve ever listened to, and that was a few years ago. This is still my all time favorite 💕💕

  12. You have made me come back to you, no matter how hard I try

  13. Третий microphone 😊😊😊 Машенька выросла, уже не та наивная девчонка..) выучила английский🇺🇲 Смотря на тебя мне кажется что всё хорошо; что ещё придет моё время, и я поумнею, подрасту, наберусь опыта и мудрости. Спасибо, что ты взрослеешь вместе с нами💖

  14. Steve Powell says:

    The best ASMR video on YouTube. Also this was 7 years ago and Maria doesn’t seem to have aged!

  15. December 2019…and she still rocks!

  16. ASMR Classic says:


    The year small ASMR channels get noticed….

  17. Petros HaKiM says:

    it's horny,relaxing and SCARY at the same time…🤣🤣🤣🤣

  18. bozzwick says:

    Wall pubes! O_o


  19. Nelchas says:


  20. Male ASMR 4U says:

    Nice quiet relaxed voice 😴💤 I wish you a happy Christmas!

  21. My holy grail for sleeping from student days to Monday anxiety from job.

  22. timmy Smith says:

    The video that started it all

  23. 温陵 says:

    My first and favorite one

  24. Finding an ASMR video with headphones be like. “RAID SHADOW LEGENDS!!!!!🤯🗡💣🧨⚔️” *explosions”

  25. Back when her accent was kinda strong. 😊

  26. Crazy..! Tingles is on..!

  27. Funny Farmer says:

    Am I the only one to jump right to 7:30 and play the sleep bomber in the background?

  28. Thank god for this woman.

  29. First asmr video in youtube

  30. Anyone else masturbate to this

  31. isbsey says:

    This just annoys me. I have to turn up my listening senses to hear what she's saying and the brush makes me feel itchy and I have to keep scratching my head – you know, like when people talk about kids with bugs in their hair. I'm obviously the wrong candidate. Now, if I could smell the oil……..?

  32. OddLady says:

    I haven't gotten tingles in soo long! Thank you so much!! +1 subscriber 💗

  33. Annette Ford says:

    Feels like in a few years, you’ve changed so much. Still a sweet spirit, though!

  34. Dawn says:

    when you can hear her heels ahhh i miss that

  35. Maria's big time out ere deez man don't even know

  36. Amy Anderson says:

    I've been coming 2 this video 4 sleep since 2014! I just realized that…i subscribed around that year. Almost 6 yrs wow

  37. VasquezVito says:

    Hey had to watch this it’s the last month of the decade🤷‍♂️

  38. LuuhSullivan says:

    In 2012, this was my first video in ASMR's World. And still my favorite.
    Can i call Maria an ASMR Mom?

  39. Aj Gonzales says:

    Dam I been in to asmr for over 9 years hha…..that’s crazy

  40. t3ripley says:

    Still one of the best videos. Maria has managed to keep innovating, consistently making great videos. ASMR isn't a competition, but she's certainly my favorite.

  41. Almas says:

    Who is here in 2021?

  42. Ms Mel W says:

    Cannot STAND the sound of most people whispering… 🤮 Too "clicky" & "whistly", along with the fact that it sounds like noodles & butter/milk/sauce being stirred in a pan or bowl! EW!!!

  43. oh no says:

    This was my first asmr video circa 2013 and I remember being mesmerized by the binaural microphones