A Ghost Story ASMR feat. @Jodie Marie ASMR (Halloween ASMR) – TRIGGER WARNING in Description


Warning: This video contains content that may trigger or unsettle survivors of domestic abuse. Please watch with caution.

#ASMR #Horror #Halloween

This short and sweet ghost story involves a (strange) man putting you (an adult) to bed before stuff starts to get weird…

A massive thank you to @Jodie Marie ASMR for being a part of it! If you haven’t subscribed to her yet, do yourself a favour and fix that now!


I’m on Tingles! Jimchi-ASMR
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Any additional sound effects from https://www.zapsplat.com

Disclaimer: This video is intended for relaxation. Any views, opinions, or advice expressed is purely for the purpose of entertainment, and to induce tingles through ASMR. These videos are not a substitute for traditional medicine, therapy, or any other professional medium, and should not be treated as such! Take all the advice with a pinch of salt, and certainly don’t take it to heart. That being said, please enjoy them, benefit from them, and hopefully get those warm, tingly feelings. Oh, and it’s not for kids.


48 Responses

  1. Spoilers for timestamp warning:
    Jim was NOT kidding with the content warnings, hey? If you got any reasons to be triggered by or uncomfortable with domestic violence/emotional abuse and gaslighting, then clock out by 17:15 the absolute latest. That should preserve the safe, squishy feelings from the first portion quite nicely. n_n

    Safe dreams and journeys everyone. <3 <3 <3

  2. kyrac99 says:

    was NOT expecting that twist but i feel like i should at this point

  3. Makita says:

    🤭I should be used to but you always surprise me 🤗🤗

  4. That was nic- WHAT THE HELL


    My reaction: Aww, this is lovely. I wish my parents had been this caring…wait. I'm an adult??? Oh dear.

  6. I cracked up at the delivery of "don't fucking complain so much" and for some reason I found the whole ending hilarious. I don't know what's wrong with me 😅

  7. I cant relax when I'm tied up and I'm being suffocated by you.

  8. Chenoa Pika says:

    Who flipped the switch towards the end? 👀 bu dun tis! 😂

  9. I kept getting startled every time you referred to us as “sweet pea” since that’s what my mom calls me and I never hear anyone else say it 😆

  10. Rose Gold says:

    You had us in the first half, not gonna lie.. Awesome video as usual! You’re very talented 🥰😈

  11. scared star says:

    "If bats can sleep upside down, then you can sleep standing up"

    God i wish i had that talent

  12. Yoloma ASMR says:

    Awesome collaboration Jim and Jodie ! These 2 characters are amazing and surprising !

  13. Day 17:

    Do a “Edward Cullen makeup u to be a vampire” roleplay

  14. With how he speaks to the viewer like a child, gaslight them, scolds them and then "fawns" afterwards is a whole cycle. My mom went through that shit and a friend who tried to assault me and hook up with me immediately after we broke up with our partners would do that. I don't wish that for anyone.

  15. Gloria Woods says:

    Seriously, are we, the audience, bat people in this video? Recently I've heard the Mothman is in town again. Just hope we're not misidentified. It's important. Bats and moths are enemies.

  16. wild ghost appeared
    – Don't be affraid…
    me kidnapped and holded against my will
    – Like, girl go, I was fine until you showed up, and now he will kill me!

  17. Conner says:

    I just saw that Jim is at 69.6k Subs.

  18. Steele Stár says:

    Velvet shirt? Or is it cosmetic? n_n

  19. rhuss says:

    Congratulations on 69k

  20. Jim: Sweet Pea

    me: i'm not crying i'm not crying imnotcrying

  21. jim gives me caregiver (CGL) vibes and im here for it

  22. jane gorski says:

    why can’t I stop watching this.. something is wrong with me 👁👁

  23. Mike E says:

    I literally said out loud: well, that took a turn

  24. Stephan says:

    Me: doesn't consider myself a survivor of abuse.

    Jim: comes back and is gaslighting and abusive.

    Me: this reminds me of my dad.

  25. no matter the character, I always feel this psycho vibe coming from Jim and omg I love it 💕🇧🇷

  26. I physically recoiled from my screen watching this. Fantastic acting as always. Also I can’t help but feel someone is going to die when I hear the phrase “little one”. Turns out it was my turn 😂

  27. I don't have overly sensitive feelings. I will sleep tonight. I will be fine but I will also be honest Jim, this wasn't entertaining for me. I really miss your old weird content. I even love crinklelovin's weird, dark macabre work but Jim this is just upsetting. This isn't a comment meant for anyone but Jim, he knows me already. I love you buddy, I hope you are well. I understand sometimes people just need to Express what they are feeling and that's okay. As you would say, that's always okay. I just hope you're well. I'll check back on your channel in the future.

  28. Lol omg. At first, I thought jim accidentally added a trigger warning because he was used to doing it for his other ones. Nope. Nope nope nope. Not a mistake. Very Angelica -esque

  29. Haunting 💜💜💜

  30. Angela R says:

    Great job guys! As an insomniac, I’m thoroughly creeped out. 😂 Well, off to bed I go… 😳🤭. Anyone care to spot me some Ambien??

  31. S P O I L E R S
    . and all the trigger warnings
    i tremble, o child, at your undeserved plight!

    When false fathers (who wove you out of mamma's fright),

    with faces so mild, and with manners polite —

    who sing sweet as willows, and who chide, if you fight —

    decide, in false pride, they will kill you this night.

    Yet, listen child: trembling as breath leaves your mind;

    (yes, I am not lovely. my manners, unkind)…

    but only speak once within your little head

    and you will summon Me:

    the Monster



    my voice will be LOUD. my claws rend your "host":

    for my hands are more solid than that of a ghost.

    hold yours o'er your ears,

    and stand back as I howl,

    and you will be avenged of all tortures till now.

    just keep your eyes shut as we exit this room,

    and i'll lead to a place safer e'en than the womb.

    for there is a place

    in the soft, sacred woods

    where there are none of these 'friends'

    who insisted father was 'good'.

    In fragrant meadows there,

    you will find women and nonmen,

    who never tell lies:

    for the truth they defend.

    they will nurse your deep wounds

    mind and body will heal

    your choices will be yours

    you will be free to feel.

    and once you decide you have done with that house,

    they'll take you anywhere: whether it is north, west, or to the south.

    anywhere that you wish,

    where you can finally find a Home:

    whether high in the city

    or near ocean's foam.

    Oh, heed: in this moment of fear —

    Heed: you are not alone!

    i give you this choice, to Die or to Live:

    the same choice i was given

    when i was a kid

    (for you see, those of us

    who lived, but could not heal,

    can choose to become Monsters

    hunting those who make evil their seal).

    either way: all of your sorrows

    will end as of now.

    no more will your tears fall

    or your head be forced to bow

    yet be swift: lest your choices fade from two, to none.:

    Slip gratefully into death?

    Or fight to see the sun?

    One word: only think it, child.

    Your Will will be done.

  32. Que papucho su cara fue tallada por los mismos angeles xd ♡

  33. G B says:

    For some reason, I really want to see Jim play Eddie Gluskin from Outlast 😂

  34. I'm sorry I can't contribute with my view Jim, thank you for the warning! I clicked the like anyway because I don't need to watch it to know it is for sure well done 💙

  35. Marzipan says:

    Not me watching this at 3 am before an 8 am exam

  36. Unicorn30 says:

    Letting you know
    You my friend are very scary
    And you found my weakness
    Which is the brushing scene 💘
    I almost fall asleep 😴 but I didn't cause I didn't want a jump scare
    And me falling out of bed
    so I made it to the end 😀 of the video now I'm ready for bed
    Anyway great video 👏👍👏👍👏👍
    Have a good day/night

  37. your videos are great and I really like your humor, pairs well with your voice. I actually watch them when my depression or PTSD start to kick in and you help me get under connect so I would like to say thank you, thank you, thank you and your just so much fun to watch. 🤗💗

  38. You’re cuddles are the best Lol

  39. I mean hey as long as there isn't any jumpscares I'll happily just sit and watch this… I'm still terrified but I mean I'm not gonna leave-

  40. Honey Snape says:

    So, is this creepy scientist guys brother?

  41. Paul Board says:

    I'm getting helena after a month of hair bleaching and stacking lashes from the mortuary makeup artist it's a moment

  42. I have never experienced any sort of abuse in my life ever, but to any one who has, Remember YOU HAVE A CHOICE TO GET OUT BEFORE ITS TOO LATE.

    Also Jim and Jodie great work! Jodie your ghost was so beautiful and calming she actually helped me get to sleep before the bad stuff happened. Beautiful work! Keep up the good work Jim, I love these sooo much.

  43. LJ Carolina says:

    This was so many things, calming, relaxing, tingly, chilling and a little scary…However, I loved it! I am so glad I finally got to see this, thank you for this Jim. Great content just in time for Halloween! – Or when you're in the mood for something thrilling with ASMR vibe!❤

  44. Ghost Lady: "Don't look so terrified."
    Me, actually comforted by her presence: 😌

  45. LC P says:

    Strange man tucking me into bed:It's bed time.
    Me:Can you make me a cup of coffee?

  46. wait wait i skipped the part with jodie and then i just hear

    "let make these straps tighter"
    "if the bats can sleep upside down u can sleep standing up dont fucking complain so much"

    let me just go bk what tf did i miss

  47. Growl Ola says:

    Hard to watch all so I'm focused on the first part.
    First part is very very nice 😊