A Not-So-Happy-Valentine To 528 Hz And Solfeggio Frequencies


Dear Diary,

Today a very nice person (who occasionally has some interesting ideas that I try not to make too much of a pointless fuss about, particularly the notion that scientists-are-immune-to-anti-science ideas just by the sheer grace (or economic fortune, these days) of having a science degree)… suggested that I check out 528HZ, also known as one of the “Solfeggio Frequencies”.

It’s Valentine’s Day, so perhaps the music of love was more on their mind than usual.

Naturally my mind immediately sprang to wondering if this had anything to do with the actress who is forever-associated-with-fictional-skepticism Gillian Anderson (who has been doing fantastically funny and occasionally poignant work portraying Dr. Jean F. Milburn in the highly recommended series Sex Education), and her amusing efforts when having a go at ASMR:

Personally, I discovered something quite wonderful about myself after that watching that video, even though I still have some questions the effects of ASMR in general.

Ahem. Where were we?

Romantic tones and the notion that Solfeggio Frequencies are anything more than an extension of something akin to the unsuccessful ‘brown note’ theory...? Well, I did not find much that was particularly encouraging to endorse the tone of love (or any other related benefits)!

I initially found a bit of debunking along the lines of it’s all about seeing patterns/superstitions involving numbers and then a little more about how there just doesn’t seem to be any solid research on it. Certainly nothing serious in the direction of ‘repairing DNA’, which appears to be one of the more preposterous claims.

Back in 2015, a skeptical podcast investigated the history of ‘what exactly is the note that does what and where and how‘, and indicated that there’s little more than a bunch of squabbling about what exactly is the extra-special note or notes anyway.

Throw in a little confusion by dropping terms like quantum (don’t you just love the alarm bells that ring with that term?!) and acupuncture, and you’re on your way to opening an alt med health food shop featuring some really annoying beats on the speaker system in between all the whale music.

As Craig Good puts it:

Some of the music available from the Solfeggio Frequencies sites is rather pretty. Think of it as aromatherapy for the ears. It’s certainly harmless. But claims that specific frequencies, or musical tunings, can treat or cure disease, or even cause miracles, is just not supported by science. 

As for me, I certainly enjoy music (usually, loudly in the car, while stopped at traffic lights, much to the abject horror of everyone else within a five meter radius). I also enjoy dancing, blissing-out to tunes, and generally appreciating the artistry, science, passion and talent that is expressed with and through the creation of music.

So, this isn’t a love song. Maybe that’s for the best. Alas, poor heart!

Additional Sources For Further Reading:

Good, C. “Solfeggio Frequencies.” Skeptoid Podcast. Skeptoid Media, 7 Jul 2015. Web. 13 Feb 2020.

Jauchem, J.R and Cook, M.C. “”High-Intensity Acoustics for Military Nonlethal Applications: A Lack of Useful…” Military Medicine; Feb 2007; 172, 2; Health & Medical Complete, pg. 182.

Kjellberg, A. and Wikstrom, B-O. “Acute Effects of Whole-Body Vibration”. Scandinavian Journal of Work and Environmental Health, 13 (1987), pp243–246.


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