Acrylic Painting Sunrise Landscape asmr / Akrilik Resim Günbatımı Manzara Akrilik Boya Çalışmaları

ART Renkli Bulut

Akrilik Resim Günbatımı Manzara Akrilik Boya Çalışmaları asmr. manzara resmi resim çizimi. resim ciz, resim çizmek. kolay çizimler.kolay çizilen manzara resmi.


16 Responses

  1. Harikasın.❣❣❣

  2. Это не традиционный подход, но это было здорово. ты замечательный.😻👍

  3. Increíble pintura. gracias❤❤

  4. Pckipouy says:

    c'était une vidéo que j'aimais beaucoup. magnifique peinture.

  5. AHMED CHAHI says:

    Magique peinture bravo Maestro

  6. Samet babuş says:

    Mükemmel performans, harika sonuç👌

  7. an amazing painting. Your paintings is great, sir.🏖🏜🏝

  8. I Love it! Brilliant and Brilliant.😍😍😍😍 Such an amazing Thought world. This is a Master Piece!😍😍👍

  9. Feyza Dmrc says:

    Cok iyisin renkli cok guzel bir vidyo

  10. I am at the last stage of my life , going to die within a few hours or in few minutes ,I am laying down in a corner space of a ruined house filled with heavy smell ,no one is there to listen my words ,,where are the houses of all ,all disappeared ,, the place is filled with strong rocks everywhere looking red like as if fire completely attacked them from the atmosphere ,,,,, because of this may be everyone in this fearful hot atmosphere and this type of unbearable kind of situation left this
    place,suffered with this hard catastrophic atmosphere, because of no food ,no water ,hot hot everywhere !!!! Now it's an abandoned place with ruined houses ,even bats also cannot live in this hot places , ghosts also scared to stay here.
    Then where all went !!! no hopes to survive in this place ,and
    may be lost their lives ,,or left this place ,,,then who are here !! anybody here to listen my weak words !!! ,I wanted to speak louder ,but I am not able to speak now ,my eyes looking like glass balls with red in colour ,,,my legs and hands
    paralyzed ,I cannot able to stand also ,I am alone here,,no one is bothered about me , but ,but ,I wanted to know any survivors are there ,,, I think it's impossible to stay and survive here ,
    Slowly painfully I looked outside ,a deserted like hot atmosphere ,sky looking very sad and serious ,sun sinking in the west with a sad mood weeping , feeling , looking like a red fire ball , the sinking sun rays reflecting the sky with red color , scattered everywhere with dark red clouds ( red clouds borrowed the colour from sun), mixed with dark blue clouds ,and the dark blue clouds not like as the clouds appeared in rainy season,,in this horrific atmosphere a bad sun set ,a sad sun set ,,, usually watching the sun set ,how beautiful !!! But here ,sun looking very sad of this changed nature ,,,the clouds in the sky ,, ,,now !!! Now !,, they are looking like a heavy smoky clouds , too smoky ,as if a great volcano erupted and scattered the smoke in the whole sky ,it's scary to look at the sky and the atmosphere ,,a dry , surroundings ,dried trees ,dry earth , without lives ,a pyre in distance ,, feeling like death is dancing with happy as it consumed more lives ,with a pleasing face and also waiting for other lives ,,,, what a bad and fearful scene !!!! The sky watching all with a lifeless face ,and looking like as it is coming down to enquire about the situation ,a horrific situation ,seems sky slowly coming down with fear .,,sun sinking in the horizon with tears , telling that ,I am not going to rise tomorrow ,,,. Completely sunken in the horizon ,,,,, leaving the sky with bright yellow and red colors scattered everywhere ,,,,!!! thinking sad like this ,,,,""no patience to rise """!!!!
    Once the bold and beautiful sky filled with cotton balls like clouds now looking weak with a fear and weeping continuously with a sad mood and sad face ,,but no tears coming down from the sky ,all the tears are evaporated due to heat ,only a deep sad look,,the sky wanted to know the reason of this and the situation happened to earth ,a good friend of the sky ,breeze also become hot and hot,,,no feeling of breeze because of terrific heat , why this sudden hot everywhere !!! ,trees burned ,all vegetation burned ,no leaves on the trees ,no food to animals , it seems earth destroying ,it's really happened !!!
    The remaining birds all runaway in groups to search for a good place to live ,.a scaring scenario !! A vulnerable scenario !!!
    I think may be the remaining mankind also runaway from here !!
    But why I am like this ,what
    happened to me ,why I dint left this place !! How ,and why I am
    in this death bed ,why my people abandoned me ,I wanted to weep ,but tears also dried ,I slowly crawling on the ground , painfully cameout and watched ,no one is there ,all the houses ruined , everywhere hot and heat , ,fierce horrible smoke emanating from the ground and spreading everywhere , complete atmosphere looking like a fire mixed with smoke ,, the smoke and fire ,,,a deadly hot fire like atmosphere ,a scary atmosphere
    looking dark red and ash in colour , it's scaring ,why all these sudden changes !!! I dint remember anything , because I was in coma ,I don't know since how many days I was in coma ,just now I opened my eyes ,the situation is like this ,a fearful melodrama on the earth !!
    I leaned over a broken old wall , feeling hungry , feeling thirsty , atleast I want a drop of water ,
    Alas ,what to do ,!!! A last bird flying there ,may be ,it also going to a good place to survive ,, ,I slowly very slowly yelled ,dear bird please get me little water ,my heart weeping ,my mind weeping ,no one is there to help me ,if I die also ,no rituals ,I will destroy like this only ,and no one also there to feel for me ,I know that , because I am an orphan ,
    At a little distance a pyre burning !!! Whose pyre is that , is it my friend' pyre ?? may be or may not be ,,,it brightly burning because of the help of wood ,A lucky person , somebody performed rituals ,
    All of these act of sadness ,sky is lamenting , terrific lament of the sky ,
    Who is responsible for all these ,
    may be we humans ,we cut the trees , spoiled the vegetation , spoiled entire earth ,
    It seems may be end of the days of humans ,
    I am thinking like that ,I don't know how it happened ,but a small very small rivulet started to flow in the deserted area ,a hot hot area ,,,how it possible ,,no answer for that ,but , beautiful water flow. mesmerizing me ,a little pale laugh ,, ,what's a miracle
    A whimsical act of God may be .
    What's that miracle !!!
    No rain is there ,no raining clouds in the sky !! Then how !!! Little little greenery appearing along side of the rivulet ,
    May be earth again thrives with her vegetation , beautiful trees , flowers , birds ,animals and human all may return here as usual.,a hope ,, may be it happens !!!
    And sky also may Stops lamenting ,and her sadness disappears ,
    But I am dying ,I may not be seen all this , because I am in the crucial hands of the death ,,, please if anyone is there ,give me a drop of water .!!! I am thirsty ,too thirsty , please , please ,I am begging you for a little drop of water !!!

  11. Başak says:

    Seni izlemek zevk veriyo valla😻😻😻😻harika resim

  12. Renkli !!! What a great and wonderful painting ,I stunned to see this ,may be magic in your hands , reminds me it's just like a mediaeval art ,it's not an ordinary painting ,it's marvelous ,🍁

  13. Muhtaşem olmuş ustat çob beğendim çok etkilendim. Umarım hak ettiğiilgiyi görür . HARİKA OLMUŞ.👍👍👍✋✋✋✋👏👏👏

  14. Önder Altun says:

    inalılmaz güzel seyrederken büyük keyf aldım harika olmuş. tebrikler

  15. Canan Akkoc says:

    Cok guzel resim yapiyosun🤗