Dawn Cummins Invincible Art Class

Here we see the culmination of 2 art forms ‘fusing’ creating a nice and unique piece of media art. I found this so poignant as the ASMRtist has chosen a Bob Ross (See referenced artists) landscape to paint on her bare canvas (the body) Bob Ross is often thought of the Godfather of ASMR, long before ASMR was really known about, well before it’s explosion into mainstream media content. Not bad for her 1st attempt either!

ART CLASS – FUSION ART – is simply what the term suggests. the ‘fusing’ of 2 or more different atr forms or genres. However, this is not to be confused with ART FUSION. Art fusion occurs when an artist (from any field – music, literature, architecture, fine art, design, graffiti, etc.) collaborates with a brand (of any kind – product, service, fashion, charity) to create a product, service, concept or ‘piece’ (for lack of a less pigeon-holing word) for the benefit of both parties and society as a whole.

ART CLASS – ASMR – Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR), sometimes auto sensory meridian response, is a tingling sensation that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine. A pleasant form of parenthesis, it has been compared with auditory-tactile anaesthesia and may overlap with frisson.

ASMR signifies the subjective experience of “low-grade euphoria” characterised by “a combination of positive feelings and a distinct static-like tingling sensation on the skin”. It is most commonly triggered by specific auditory or visual stimuli, and less commonly by intentional attention control. A genre of videos which intend to stimulate ASMR has emerged, of which over 13 million are published here on YouTube.

Analysis of this anecdotal evidence has supported the original consensus that ASMR is euphoric, BUT NON-SEXUAL in nature, and has divided those who experience ASMR into two broad categories of subjects. One category depends upon external triggers to experience the localised sensation and its associated feelings, which typically originates in the head, often reaching down the neck and sometimes the upper back. The other category can intentionally augment the sensation and feelings through intentional control, without dependence upon external stimuli, or ‘triggers’, in a manner compared by some subjects to their experience of meditation.

ART CLASS – BOB ROSS – Robert Norman Ross (Oct 29, 1942 – July 4, 1995) was an American painter, art instructor and television host. He was the creator and host of The Joy of Painting, an instructional television program that aired from 1983 to 1994 on PBS in the United States and in Canada, Latin America and Europe. Ross went from being a public television personality in the 80’s & 90’s to posthumously being an Internet celebrity right here on YOUTUBE in the 21st century.

ART CLASS – BOB ROSS & ASMR – THE GODFATHER OF ASMR – Twitch & Youtube streams created a new interest in Ross and caused his popularity to grow. His videos became popular with devotees of the Art form, ASMR. ASMR refers to a euphoric feeling which can be experienced in a variety of ways. Triggers can be aural, touch-based or both. “He’s sort of the godfather of ASMR,” says Joan Kowalski, the president of Bob Ross Inc. “People were into Bob Ross for ASMR reasons before there was a art form named ASMR.”

ART CLASS – BODY PAINTING – Body painting is a form of art that followed us from the ancient prehistoric times when human race was born, to the modern times where artist use human body as a innovative canvas that can showcase human beauty like no art style before it. Many believe that body painting was the first form of art that was used by humans, and archaeological evidence is close to support it.

Records of various ancient and modern tribes from Africa, Europe, Asia and Australia show clear records of their body painting heritage. By using natural pigments from plants and fruits, ancient people decorated themselves with ritual paintings, tattoos, piercings, plugs and even scarring. According to many historians, body painting was the important part of the daily and spiritual lives, often showcasing their inner qualities, wishes for future, images of gods, and many natural or war themes. There, body paint was often applied for weddings, preparations for war, death or funerals, showcasing of position and rank, and rituals of adulthood. In addition to temporary body paints, many cultures used face paint or permanent tattooing that could showcase much larger details than paintings made from natural pigments.

First modern appearance of the full body paint emerged in 1933 when famous cosmetic inventor Max Factor Sr. caused confusion and disturbance with their exhibition of naked model Sally Rand on 1933 World’s Fair in Chicago. Shock of this public marketing stunt did not manage to popularise body painting in the west, but it brought it to the minds of many future artists.
