ASMR 06. Frying Pancakes! (and tasting) (Experimental ASMR) – No talking


So you asked for it, here is the footage from making my pancakes yesterday. They were delicious, thank you 😉

There are eating sounds in this video as well…

Yeah, very little to say here… hope this gives you tingles, if not… WHO CARES?! 8D

Have a lovely night/afternoon/morning 🙂

Add me on Facebook! I’d really love to talk to you:


22 Responses

  1. Pancakes love you, my friend. Pancakes love you.

  2. Josh S says:

    They love me like the hot girl I met in Vegas; played all weekend with her, and then find out she is married. You love them everytime you see them but regret it afterwards 🙂

  3. Just keeps the heat in 🙂

  4. Oh my, those pancakes are gOrgeous!

  5. Thank you! *shares*

  6. Pancakes+eating=ASMR. That is pretty legitament

  7. Too legit to quit. 😛

  8. Please do more cooking and eating videos! Great video!

  9. Rich Hertz says:

    U look like a princess

  10. 🙂 I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for watching.

  11. It's a bit difficult now because I live in a flat, there for the kitchen is occupied 90% of day. Thank you for watching!

  12. LOL. This was funny xD

  13. Oh my… you're… you're… beautiful! -faints-

  14. Philbur says:

    Pancakes (and cook) looking great. Anyone else think that the whole secrecy plot (can't talk because Mom's around) adds to the personal attention aspect? Like giving personal attention even despite the risk of being caught – makes it that much more significant. Like the cautious look before waving goodbye. Has a somewhat Romeo-and-Juliet quality… must not give thy tingles 😉

  15. Wow, you are beautiful. Great video.

  16. alteredchild says:

    "No talking" > Begins with "Hi guys" and loud fan noises. Okay.

  17. Charles Goh says:

    I'm still trying to make my pancakes look like the ones in Mcdonalds. For some reason they can't get the perfect brown look…

  18. I just had me some pancakes this morning. Them's right tasty 🙂

  19. omg, you remind me of ana from frozen