ASMR 120 Days of Sodom by Le Marquis de Sade (Introduction)

This is Barris!

There’s a storm outside. Rain trickles down your window and afar you can hear the low rumble of thunder. But you are safe inside, sitting by the fireplace.


24 Responses

  1. There's a storm outside. Rain trickles down your window and afar you can hear the low rumble of thunder. But you are safe inside, sitting by the fireplace. It crackles with warmth. You relax in your armchair and close your eyes as you listen to the soothing and loving words of the Marquis de Sade.

    A unique video today. I'm really busy at work so I thought it would be an interesting substitute to a legit video. If you don't like it, fret not for my next video is about "The American Revolution from a French Perspective." Thank you for the 5,000 (6,000 now) subs and Merde!

  2. Oh my god. Our frenchman delivered.

  3. All I could think was "oh no," when I saw Le Marquis de Sade.

  4. Reading French bedtime stories with Barris. 🍞🍞🍞

  5. d4v0r_x says:

    nice… and as always: merde!
    now with 150% more merde!

  6. Logan says:

    wanna be friends?

  7. Increasing that watch time by any means necessary o.o

  8. Do I really want to listen to this?

  9. I don’t even want to know what would’ve happened if someone walked in while you were recording this.

  10. Oh my! You're the man, thank you.

  11. Wrong audiobook to fall asleep for anyone who shares a bed

  12. “Alas’’, I sigh with regrets dyed blue by this nostalgic feel of resignation as I stared at the window framed with splinters of glass which my sanity flew through, ‘the amount of my remaining insanity is equivalent to how much those fUcKinG PaRiSiaNs remembered of Marquis de Sade Bastard’s violent history as they elected him as a delegate of the National Convention.” But nay, the Marquis is not my problem with this.. conundrum.
    I sip a cup of coffee with a calm but malevolent maelstrom in my mind as I utter my one problem, the source of depravity of this wretched world under my breath;

    “It’s those fucking Parisians.”

  13. Rhyno 216 says:

    This must’ve taken forever to make yeah? Also it’s ballsy how you uploaded this video 👍

  14. Now I can sleep well at night ha, well done you magnificent bastard, bravo

  15. you actually fucking did it, well your watch time is gonna go through the roof… and monetization, through the floor

  16. Disturbing but more entertaining than 50 Shades of Grey.

  17. I`ve found about this dude because of Rule 34 of the internet.
    "My friend" told me that the movie was worse than the book itself.

  18. I shall use this to fall asleep tonight.


  19. Frev Memes says:

    Why did you do this to yourself?

  20. Sade was a saucy lad

  21. Eporedorix says:

    Ha! Quelle belle histoire pour s’endormir, je vais la faire écouter à mon petit frère, il v’a s’endormir très rapidement!
    Don’t worry this is a joke

  22. Shiroba says:


  23. Fizzyanims says:

    Ok this is epic.