ASMR ACCENTS That Will Give YOU Chills! 😨 Australian, Irish, Scottish, British, Italian, French!


Become an Audible member today at or text ‘madi’ to 500-500 ASMR ACCENTS That Will Give YOU Chills! Southern, Australian …


47 Responses

  1. Mikaela B says:

    It start at 2:29 ‼️⚠️

  2. Oh you so cute. You look like 14, I hope this is a compliment 😀

  3. robert p says:

    Damn…she looks just like the actress playing Ivar’s wife in vikings

  4. Mxrcy says:

    As I’m Australian try not to over exaggerate the vowels but u did good

  5. William Hull says:

    2 accent is Texan accent

  6. Heet_Kix says:

    you look like matt stonie

  7. Anna Kraft says:

    People in Kansas also say ope!

  8. Polar S says:

    I thought I was the only one who says "op!, sorry" lol. I'm from NH

  9. Noza e says:

    YOURE A CUTIE PATOOTIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. This is my first time here. So I opened the video thinking she’s like 15 and then she starts talking g about wanting to know about PARENTING!?!?!

  11. One tip . Try out speaking some short sentences in foreign language and then switch

  12. Did someone told you that you are beautiful??? ❤️

  13. Coolshot25 says:

    Why do people always say Scotland and Britain as differnet places no hate but do people actually think they are separate?

  14. N-word Pass says:

    I believe its pronounced "suh thurn DrAwL"

  15. How can you look 12 and 42 at the same time?! Must be the devils work

  16. Aww. When she did the English accent, I was hoping she'd try and do a scouse accent.

  17. Trinity Mae says:

    You should add the Welsh accent next time

  18. Ross Cooper says:

    The ope thing is a mid west thing

  19. leah baillie says:

    english not british

  20. Isaac Gg says:

    Tbh the fact that she thought Irish and Scottish were similar but then did a Liverpool accent got me. 😅

  21. you got Scottish and English mixed up hen

  22. Kali Manka says:

    As someone from Nebraska I apologize alot, to where people don't even want me to say sorry, and that ope thing is 100000000% true


    (Sons of Anarchy)

  24. I am from Canada so I'm not exactly french but…. Why tho

  25. Baby Yoda says:

    For anyone who was wondering, the asmr starts at 2:28. Hope this helps 🙂

  26. Matt Squad says:

    im as much american as the next guy however i talk in an austrailian accent when im on the phone with my friends idk y


  28. Dante Aries says:

    I've been watching your videos for the longest time and only just now found out that that you are only around 45 minutes from my house?!?!

  29. Damien 58 says:

    I say, "oat" when I get into somebody's way or something. Not sure if other people in Arizona do that.

  30. “Imma take a look at your eyes , they’re there”

    Me- I hope so

  31. Corey Jay says:

    Well done with the Aussie accent! your "yeah's" need a little work we actually say "Yeahnah" or Nahyeah" but overall splendid spread!

  32. 5:06 no I’m going to the grocery store to by a pet

  33. Play Master says:

    Bruh tf going on here I’m 5 min in she still talking bout her audible deal. Annoying… jk u good u good. Very nice 👍

  34. Dirs says:

    Goodluck for ur pregnancy sweetyy

  35. Me Like Ford says:

    I live in the state that looks like Canada

  36. Me Like Ford says:

    It's hard to do different accents wile wispering

  37. Mr moustache says:

    Just so you know we Aussies don't say eyes as ois

  38. U sound more welsh than Aussie, sorry

  39. Lea Denton says:

    We say op here in wv too lol 🙂

  40. BigBoss24mgs says:

    Awesome asmr, accents meh, but good attempt

  41. The Guy says:

    I can very easily see you do an elvish role play like from Lord Of The Rings!

  42. Star Alix says:

    Les français ici qui on attendu toute la vidéo pour voir l'accent french ?! XD

  43. im british and that is a pretty good accent

  44. Hämma _ says:

    I cannot confirm that is what nebraskans sound like, but u look like u were an extra in hunger games and harry potter at the same time