[ASMR] Apex Legends 10 Kill Win (Controller Sounds, Whispering)

Captain ASMR

Hey guys! Don’t worry, I’m not going to bombard you with a ton of Apex Legends videos for those of you that aren’t interested in this game. I, however, have been loving the game and wanted to share some more gameplay with you!

I hit level 60 today and I’m mildly ashamed at how much time I’ve spent playing this game already. πŸ˜›

Thank you for watching!

This is your captain signing off

Tingles APP: https://tingles.app.link/Captain-ASMR
Support-A-Creator: GregBroDudeMan
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/gregbrodudeman
PS4 Gamertag: ThisIsYourCaptn
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/captain_asmr/
Business Inquiries: captainasmrica@gmail.com

If you’re unfamiliar with ASMR, I’ll do my best to explain.
ASMR (Or Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response if you want to sound smart) is the given name for a tingly sensation felt in the scalp triggered by soft noises like tapping, whispering, light scratching, clicking and so on. I’ve found it helpful to use nails on a chalkboard as a good example of a strong physical feeling reacting to a sound, just imagine the polar opposite of that. Instead of a very harsh terrible sound shooting chills up your spine, ASMR is a very pleasant tingle starting on your scalp and moving down your spine as a reaction to very soft, quiet and gentle sounds.

However, not everyone can experience these ASMR “tingles” (theyre reel giys, i sware.) In fact its been estimated that roughly only 10% – 20% of people can experience it. Whether or not it can be developed or is just something you were born with, no one can say for sure.

For those that can’t experience it, I’m sorry friend, it is a very nice feeling.
However, a large portion of ASMR viewers cannot actually experience ASMR. Or maybe at one point could, but can’t anymore. (See: ASMR Immunity) They watch the videos because, tingles or not, the videos are always centered around being calm and relaxing. They’re perfect for watching when you’re having trouble sleeping. They can effectively take your mind off of everything, and lull you into a sleep.

Its pretty neat stuff! Hopefully this all makes sense, whoever you are. Thanks for being here!


50 Responses

  1. that1hybrid says:

    Ur a god lmao nice vid

  2. Captain ASMR says:

    Going to take this opportunity to link my Twitch!
    I've done a couple really fun streams the last few days, give me a follow if you want to see me play live, chat with me, and/or hear me talk normal πŸ˜›

  3. Cyber The OG says:

    Good as always πŸ’―

  4. Ye ye bois notification squad

  5. Andrew Grant says:

    Could you do another Fortnite creative map

  6. NickP06 says:

    My favorite combo is r-301 and wingman

  7. Does anybody else hum his intro song

  8. Is there going to be live gameplay for this game like destiny and fortnite? I miss those 😭

  9. Ay bro I was watching the stream earlier we wear talking about our favorite guns remember me

  10. Phil Kessel says:

    Jesus how are you already level 60

  11. Wumbo says:

    Our lord and savior has finally uploaded again

  12. I was playing while watching, and I almost won a game πŸ™ my squad got #3

  13. You can do a live com on this easy. πŸ€™πŸΌ

  14. Yesterday i drop a 16 bomb , anyway good video

  15. Asmr Captain. You the best πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

  16. TogaR6 says:

    Heyyy i played a match better than Captain got me a 12 kill win with the wingman and peacekeeper good video tho

  17. I can barely get 5 kills! Teach me!

  18. Yet again, I wish my aim was as good as yours.πŸ˜‚ I find it so hard to hit my shotgun shots for some reason.

  19. Lemon Boi says:

    Yes ! I'm twitch_Felixdetroyer, by the way

  20. Lemon Boi says:

    Wait, who put a dislike on this ?!

  21. Nice win and nice video(: sorry I couldn’t make the stream earlier I was busy:/ But I shall redeem myself in the next stream πŸ˜‚πŸ’œ

  22. Wait your good at everything

  23. Wow you should be streaming on Twitch or something man. Congrats on a nice win πŸ˜€

  24. Weston ASMR says:

    I like how all of the legends have pros and cons to where you need to draft your squad well, kinda like overwatch in a sense. Great video Cap!

  25. inciniroar ` says:

    i have 310kills with mirage but i play lifeline and caustic

  26. Thanks for maning me fall asleep i also main wraith I have over 150 kills with wraith and only 27 with coustic

  27. Aranfirin says:

    Imagen you are playing a game and out of nowhere a guy just whispers in your ear

  28. X for ability? then how do you jump lol

  29. who would actually dislike this

  30. Twizms says:

    How do you subscribe more than once?

  31. Ty says:

    Peacekeeper and wingman is SOOOOO GOOD

  32. Wumbo says:

    tbh this was a trash video….

    Jk it was amazing just like every other video on your channel. Thanks for the tingles Cap’n

  33. Zoahify says:

    I used ur creator code and bought 20 dollars of vbucks I gotchu fam

  34. More apex legends videos please

  35. GuavaG3 says:

    Let’s get some games together! Me and my homie always need a 3rd and we get stuck in 2nd place a lot because of it! Lol Add me PS4 GuavaG3!

  36. Do a video of ur intro

  37. Will Mather says:

    Mastiff or peacekeeper which is better

  38. @&@ says:

    Add me on ps4 to play. XV1V1DX

  39. Dancing Cojo says:

    I got five kills with caustic today

  40. MORGUE CITY says:

    8:24 can someone tell me what he is doing with that phone thingy

  41. Tyler Davie says:

    14:33 this is a voiceover

  42. Eduard says:

    i have apex how to play

  43. MoMo_ Beatz says:

    I'm amazing with caustic I love pathfinder too, and Bangalore but rarely play her

  44. That Guy says:

    a day after apex was released my uncle was almost lvl 64

  45. To this day, best ASMR intro ever.

  46. That intro makes me hot


  48. Snivy4000 says:

    I main Wraith, and oh mY gosh the amount of times somebody has taken Wraith from me is just aGHhHhHhhHhHhHhHhhHhhHh