ASMR Binaural Ambient Nature Sounds and White Noise of The Night (For Sleep and Relaxation)

Heather Feather ASMR

Hello everyone! This video features the sounds of the night. Feel free to use it if you need something to drown out the world when the world gets to loud. I’ll see …


25 Responses

  1. Ana_A says:

    This almost works the same way. Very relaxing nature sounds –

  2. These sounds bring back so many memories..

  3. Cabe ASMR says:

    I am falling asleep! Too bad I am at work right now…Fml

  4. I hear a boxer engine at 2:00

  5. Jael Reyes says:


    Just me?

  6. Ivan Piña says:

    I heard the vibrating and booming sound of the night, so beatiful!!

  7. Albino White says:

    Was that a damn mosquito I heard……god damn mosquitoes are everywhere….LOVE THE VID THO! You just gotta kill that damn thing XD

  8. I listen to this every night

  9. Shmovie John says:

    Had to watch this video so relaxing after a very tiring day has been. Little to know i fell asleep as soon it started 😅

  10. this video is so amazing how could you recorded like this?? this sound brought me real night forest!

  11. Murubutu was here

  12. Faye Faye says:

    I wish this was longer

  13. Hugo Horn says:

    Am I allowed to use this in the computer game I am currently working on?

  14. D-na S says:

    This is makes me remember about Mataranka & Douglas-Daly, NT, AU. What a memory…..

  15. Joseph PK says:

    I like that the bugs sound far off enough I dont feel like I'm being eaten alive.

  16. Nice picture, nice sounds, a pure moment in the phytoncides's forest, thanks for your video.
    If you want more nature's sounds in France, please suscribe to my channel :

  17. I love the sound of those distant cars passing by

  18. The cars keep freaking me out.

  19. lethiana l says:

    C'est très relaxant lorsque l'on révise les examens

  20. cen0vis says:

    quest ce que cest apaisant et beau ,un admirable travail de votre part

  21. Rayka Novais says:

    I think it’s really sad that we have to put those type of sounds on our phones instead of just having it there naturally