ASMR Binaural Sounds 1


Experimenting with some new binaural microphones. Whispering and assorted random sounds. I’m hoping to do more close-up, really close to your ear sounds because I really like those kinds of videos myself and find them very effective at triggering my asmr. Which is funny, because if in real life someone was shaking sugar near my ear – or lighting matches next to my head! – it would be wtf get away from me! But as sound effects…ahhh relaxing. Anyway. I hope you enjoy this one.


32 Responses

  1. Brian says:

    oh god, these binaural sounds are the only things that give me asmr. especially that whispering at the beginning… best thing ever

  2. This was amazing!!! Could you make another, much longer!!!!

  3. Looove you for this up close and binaural stuff, girl! Super tingly!

  4. Vancha says:


    There's nothing quite like binaural for ASMR, is there? Kind of makes all other tingles pale by comparison.

  5. Holy sheep this is WONDERFUL

  6. supermartz20 says:

    hahaha! I loved your vid description 🙂

  7. Oh wow i needed that… Ive been thinking of making some but i never uploaded it because it didnt work on me so i thought they were bad… Good thing i came across this vid and read these comments

  8. McKack says:

    Yeah, giving yourself ASMR/tingles is like trying to tickle yourself, it just doesn't work 🙂
    Great video!

  9. morlar says:

    03:16 felt like my brain had zippers that were being pulled up

  10. I love how her voice seems to pop

  11. swinginbecky says:

    Yeah what happened to all those fantastic whisperers?? I've been wondering for what seems like forever now. 🙁

  12. OniRose says:

    secondo me è perché li fai tu! XD Generalmente è più bello l'effetto di qualcosa fatto da terzi per noi U_U
    È un po' come farsi le carezze da solo! XD

  13. OniRose says:

    This is great. *-* Love it, completely!

  14. 03:16 was the best trigger for me please could you make another binaural sounds video using that object mostly please ?love you videos 😀

  15. WaiLaw says:

    This is quied experimend whad I dod I would do and the video was stopped

  16. woa. 9:55 was just…..weird o.o like i was actually having something behind me being tapped

  17. Spike Konwa says:

    Hey there, how do you get binaural recordings, but in "Full 3D". I mean most of the recordings are sides and back, but not "Front". Any ideas? I'm trying to play around, but would like to make the "Full 3D" sound.

  18. Why does ASMR make me have to pee?

  19. User says:

    Turn up the volume..

  20. User says:

    Nope. Only drinking fluids makes you have to urine.

  21. I've just noticed that once I start getting tingles from ASMR, I have to urinate.

  22. what language is this?

  23. CameronSuter says:

    By 9:55, I was so relaxed that I jumped at the tapping noises you made, thinking it was in my own room! Haha, thanks, and great video!

  24. tartredarrow says:

    If my african american roommate would stop screaming "my nigga" every 4 seconds I might be able to enjoy this…

  25. tartredarrow says:

    Do you have a speech impediment? It sounds like you're slurring your words a bit. Maybe English isn't your first language? It's quite subtle, and soothing all the same. 🙂

  26. Shh fffflll sssrrrr fffrrr sshhhhhh

  27. Elysium Echo says:

    Thanks, I was having kind of a rough moment and this helped to calm me down. I hope someday you'll decide to make videos again and that you're still reading your comments. Cheers 😉

  28. McRocket says:

    Great video…thank you for creating it.

  29. CalabreseMPC says:

    come back, please?