ASMR Binaural Sounds 2


Hi guys! Here is a longer binaural sounds video, with more whispering and close-to-your-ear sounds.
Do you appreciate fine art? Then be sure to turn off the video portion! Each sound is accompanied by a drawing, created with all the skill and elegance of a five year old with a Sharpie.


23 Responses

  1. lazyman556 says:

    What type of mic was this recorded on?

  2. Alixandrea M says:

    It's most likely a tingling in your sciatic nerve..I get it too. Not ASMR per se, but similar.

  3. Kyle Hawkins says:

    Absolutely amazing! Also when your dog started snoring I had to check I thought my dog was snoring so loudly I could hear him over the video, overall though I think it added to the trigger.

  4. Jrprodigy101 says:

    Im guessing shes on a tablet

  5. Flickaa says:

    Omg this is so adorable and tingly! I want to sleep but i cant because it makes me watch lol 🙂

  6. I know what you mean, but I wouldn't consider that ASMR. I think that's more of a unique nervous system response, like how it feels weird if something crawls on you. It's probably not the actual whispering itself but the sensation created by their breath or something gently brushing over the skin of a sensitive area (such as your ear). Although there could be a conditioned response so that if you hear audio of a whisper that your mind simulates the feeling it associates with whispering.

  7. David Benner says:

    Barely able to comment.. Almost asleep

  8. Gorp says:

    The clicking at 11:08…  /drool

  9. FlowSense544 says:

    I love these drawing videos

  10. McRocket says:

    What a great video..and the graphics were a very nice touch.

  11. Hijynx87 says:

    Lol the drawing of the sleeping dog was adorable.

  12. ResentIt says:

    Your handwriting should become a font

  13. The water sounds made me squirm 😛

  14. wnc817 says:

    I prefer the layered audio only (old style) of ASMR. I am tired of seeing women whisper into a mic and calling it ASMR.

  15. JawshRick says:

    I want to try this on LSD

  16. rafe jardin says:

    these are all the noises i hear when i try to beat my meat

  17. The water trickling sounds like me at 3:38 in the morning.

  18. il34kz says:

    Quiet experiment use to be the shit back in the day

  19. This was on my recommend?

  20. Dude wtf a 7 years ago asmr? I thought it was created like 3 years ago or so

  21. Kyro says:

    Ah yes, YouTube recommendations taking us back… 7 years? Jesus.