ASMR Brushing Sounds – No Talking


ASMR Brushing Sounds – No Talking

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PATREON: Let me help you relax!

My name is Dmitri, i live on the Gold Coast Australia. I remember a tingling sensation i would experience when i was young, as i grew i found i could trigger the experience when i found the right set stimuli like the tone of a person’s voice, gentle massage, watching someone focus on a task. This was before video and internet were in the same thought range. Over time i found and experienced many different situations to learn about all the different triggers for ASMR. I translated that experience & combined some innate ability to help people experience it with the high quality studio recordings to bring the highest quality tingles i can.

ASMR is a tingly feeling the commonly felt in the scalp area and often down the back and other parts of the body. ASMS is commonly experienced through a soft spoken or whispering voice, ear to ear sounds or binaural sounds, watching or experience massage, plus a Variety of sounds like tapping crinkle scratching.
Some of the benefits of ASMR might be sleep relaxation reduce stress and anxiety

I specialize in no talking ASMR video’s focusing on ASMR sounds, i try to create different video for all the different preferences people have. Some of my role plays are based in fictional characters like Dr Dmitri & Manwelle

I loved watching massage video to experience ASMR so i like to create video to replicate these experiences with other, like head massage, back massage for total body relaxation.

What is ASMR ? A theory

When your cranial nerves receives information in the form of sight, sounds & Senses your brain may process this information as let us say a “trigger” When you cranial nerves find that perfect combination of “Triggers” it activates the full effect of the parasympathetic nervous system almost like a symphony neurons hitting the perfect note as wave after wave of feelings cascades down the nervous system down the spine and to many parts of the body

I believe it may then releases one or more of: oxytocin, acetylcholine, GABA, Serotonin, endorphins directing into the brain and blood stream Instantly relaxing, clearing cortisol, adrenaline and soothes the body.

There is another side effect of this symphony that it puts the brain into a alpha state and after the person falls asleep allows them to access a deeper delta level state during sleep.

This theory idea was put forward to me by a very special person, i believe they have a insight and understanding of ASMR that even i do not have.

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33 Responses

  1. 0:48 I help you setup a blog and setup it to earn money W ha ts app +7 9 6 7 1 5 7 0 5 8 1

  2. Martian_Eric says:

    ASMR Return of the king

  3. NATHAN HOU says:

    Long time no see

  4. When the world needed him most, he Returned

  5. dane clark says:

    Thank you for this upload. Dmitri you are a master of the craft and I wanted to let you know that I appreciate this.

  6. Han Zorro says:

    return of the king everyone!!

  7. Junryou says:

    Wonderful to experience your masterwork again! Hope you've been well. <3

  8. We missed you Dimitri! Thanks for coming back and see you well!

  9. Bob Ross says:

    the "Dimitri-ASMR-morse-code-sounds" are a language of their own.

  10. zx y says:


  11. Greaaaat video😍❣️✨💯
    I'm happy you're back again!

  12. 김종원 says:

    Wow, you're alive.

  13. Moto CIF says:

    Wow wow wow!!! Mister!!! You can back!!!! It's very nice!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Hello from Russia bro!! I like you video NO TALKING,it a special sounds….. Thank you bro!!! Большое спасибо мне очень очень нравится начало твоих видео no talking не знаю что именно, но в начале видео все твои звуки особенные!!!

  14. ny w says:

    Hey, man, I've been waiting for you to update almost every day, I thought you forgot your password. 😅😅😅

  15. Charm says:

    mans still has the same painting and background from 6 years ago, love it

  16. 2020 dont seem so bad now!!!

  17. Not all heroes talk! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

  18. My Sir just took controlled breaths for 15 minutes just for us, thanks for this❤️

    He's just like a mature artisan among the other newcomers, he knows this stuff🔥❤️

  19. Yana M. says:


  20. Saad Shahan says:

    He's back! I can finally get tingles again!

  21. We've missed you!!! Thanks for coming back 💕

  22. Me: Let's check if he uploaded even though I know well he didn't cause he's been gone for 6 months
    Yep still no new uploa- Wait hold up

  23. Max Guy says:

    Absolute madness matey! Those brief mouth sounds that flicker in between the brush noises

  24. The other day at some youtuber's channel someone commented: "all my favorite youtubers are Australian". I've just come to realiza that, for few exceptions, it's also my case… (Or even if they weren't born there, they live there).
    – Dmitri
    – JoJo's ASMR
    – TwoSet Violin
    – Dutchy

    What is it about Australian people that resonate with everybody? Haha.

  25. lp_ says:

    Lets all smile together through These times!