Zach Choi ASMR

ASMR CHEESEBURGERS & WAFFLE FRIES MUKBANG 먹방 Check out my Instagram: Check out my Facebook: …


41 Responses


  2. Me after he says "The first bite is all yours.": Don't do that. Don't give me hope.

  3. Màdîśôñ says:

    Zach is 💯 percent boyfriend material

  4. Zach: eating a burger that looks really good

    Me: starving as hell eating a cookie pretending it’s a burger

  5. My boy got the homemade going on

  6. Ebony Torres says:

    wait who used to watch evantube that looks exactly like his farther

  7. Who thinks the meat is not done

  8. Crystal Star says:

    Is it just me or i feel as if he made a video of him eating food he didn't like it so he like didn't uploaded

  9. Ninja says:

    Who else watches Zach’s videos when they’re hungry so Zach can eat for them

  10. 27Grizz says:

    Mom can we mak-


  11. Leo Karnik says:

    Me: 'starving while watching Zach eating'
    Also me: 'why isn't he eating the rest of the burger which has no pattie left and WHAT IS HE DOING WITH THE LEFT OVER DIPS AND SOUCES😢😢

  12. Casprrz0ni says:

    when nobody comes to your party:

  13. the burger wasnt redy yet i see pink inside ._.

  14. emmanuel ツ says:

    Me: any ways i still like the burger

  15. emmanuel ツ says:

    Zhach choi asmr: thanks

  16. emmanuel ツ says:

    In every video zhach always uses that hat zhach can you stop using the hat pls pls pls

  17. soy el unico que piensa que este chico come un shingo y no engorda:v

  18. I still don’t get how this dude isn’t fat

  19. Karen A says:

    He’d be hell to have over for Thanksgiving! 😂

  20. mk_o says:

    omg this looks like the perfect krabby patty =q=

  21. Zach: first bite is all yours

    Me: eats phone

  22. Nate Miller says:

    Hay sorry to tell you but I take a hordacultur class and that’s not real letus

  23. Tina Davies says:

    Yummy yummy 😋

  24. YooJung Hyun says:

    Bro those onions made my eyes watery through the screen

  25. YooJung Hyun says:

    Why did his burgers scoot for but mine scoot backwards in the bun

  26. Note to self: don't watch a video of someone eating burgers when you are craving one even though you're vegan

  27. 0:14 alta carne de perro deahhh

  28. prod.9082 says:

    i want to go there.

  29. Christina Yu says:

    I'm drooling, it looks so good and I am so hungry..

  30. firemaana says:

    I watch these becaue i have a cheese sandwich for breakfast and a cheese sandiwch for diner white cheese and egyptian bread and bam my food

  31. King Col says:

    What happen to that burger

  32. MrMuffinman says:

    If only burgers were healthy…

  33. Rue Larsen says:

    Not going to lie those burgers look pretty damn good

  34. Manraj Singh says:

    Dude y did u cut all those tomato slices if ur only going to use one ur litarally wasting the goodness of the tomato

  35. Mike Hunt says:

    I would give my life for that bbq hamburger

  36. That burger pink how is he even eating that

  37. susanne05 says:

    i love to see that he enjoys the food

  38. Is it just me sitting in bed hungry af 💀😂