[ASMR] Chinese Princess Paints You

Tingting ASMR

The Chinese princess has returned to paint your portrait in this relaxing ASMR role play. Enjoy ink grinding and brush sounds as you tingle away into a deep …


27 Responses

  1. Andreea says:

    I still watch this video
    It relaxes me so much
    I love it, thank you❤️

  2. I need a Chinese fan myself just like yours

  3. I hate Chinese music

  4. How is the music name?

  5. kitten craze says:

    Her: are you hot?
    Me *sitting in a cold room while it snows in Norway in 4 blankets while drinking hot chocolate* right, im "hot"
    Edit: no kidding it was snowing here in Norway XD

  6. Nina Wonder. says:

    Her : Do you wanna go there with me together ?
    Me : Yes, I very wanna go there with you together.

    Her english is so cute T^T

  7. Viviane Maia says:

    Okay, so here's the scenario: Imagine that the time machine is being invented by your dad, who's a scientist. The machine is not totally ready yet, but, by a mistake, you end up inside it. You travel a little back in time, and, because of a glitch in the machine, you're now in China. You're lost, and, in the most random way, you stop a criminal who would be the responsible for the murder of the princess. The king invites you to the palace, where you really get the chance to meet the royal family, including the one you saved by accident. The princess likes you so much, that you two start to be friends. But, your father was able to fix the time machine, and now you can go back to your time. So, as a last request, the princess ask you to be her model and invite you to a very important party, since you had to left.

    I'm sorry, guys. My mind is used to create random plot ideas, and i couldn't help but think about that while watching the video.

  8. Ya know I was just walking through the market trying to find a cheap place to buy a shit tonna rice and then I suddenly borrowed by a Chinese princess to be their model.

    I never expected to be invited to a fancy bird party. Or this. But I don't mind that much

    ( captions: tingly sounds , Nice fan sounds , Omg that squint is adorable ,

  9. Emma Roberts says:

    I have cut my hair before but not in a while and she can’t tell I have before because she’s royalty andddd she’s being nice to me 😂 just some culture I learned from ancient China in Chinese class

  10. I love Japan. The style, culture, agriculture, food and everything else. I know its not always calm there, but I like to travel out of America. ♥🌼

  11. "I have some ice just near you, so I hope that can make you comfortable."
    Still adore you TingTing!!!!

  12. Everything is great in your videos until you make ink it makes my ears hurt it’s like fingernails on a chalkboard it’s horrible can you please do a video similar with the music without the ink sounds??

  13. Sky says:

    The subtitles at 2.30, good explanation 😂

  14. Ahh this music is so relaxing, I wish it was in more of her recent videos ❤

  15. Sorry I was asleep 😴💤

  16. Oh yes paint me like ur royal model

  17. In case any of you wants to listen to the music: https://youtu.be/QRF2zzEFu8c

  18. Alicia Vella says:

    I sincerely hope you include the music in future videos! It's been two years but I still come back to this video over and over again because the music paired with your soft speaking is just so calming 😴☺️

  19. Xki Dragon says:

    Ting Ting: my father caught a very special bird, it can sing, so my father…
    Me: ATE IT!!!😂😂😂

  20. omg she’s so pale i jealous

  21. Good relaxing music

  22. Punq! says:

    Everyday I pray that maybe one day she'll make another video with the dope beats in the back

  23. The video and the music reminds me of the movie mulan.

  24. Venus XXX says:

    Are you taking english courses because your English is getting better and better every time. And I love your make-up skills like wow beautiful

  25. Isabella says:

    Ting Ting: You have very beautiful hair
    Me, a bald woman: thank you 🙂