ASMR Clipper Sounds – 1 Hour

Samuel ASMR

Hey Everyone,

Hope that you are having a good spring/summer despite all of the latest restrictions – although thankfully a lot of them seem to now be lifting. Hope you enjoy this video – it is a 10 minute loop. Although I’m sure some people will think that I sat there for an hour straight with the clippers 😉

Hope you found this relaxing if you like clipper noises, and I look forward to seeing you all again soon – latly I’ve been feeling very inspired with ideas for future videos.

Please like, subscribe, and leave me a comment – I am always interested in what you all think!

Samuel ASMR


8 Responses

  1. Moon Queen says:

    Perfect timing Sam ❤️
    I was just approaching the bed 🛌😂

  2. Awesome work keep it up

  3. Bradley17 says:

    Yay sammy. Youre back! Missed u! 😊💜💜

  4. This is great! I have such a hard time falling asleep and staying asleep. This is very relaxing . Thank you!

  5. YIKES!!! For a second,I was thinking that YOU were getting a summer buzzcut lol

  6. Juan Johan says:

    this is sick

  7. Yoooo I come check on this channel every once in a blue moon. So glad you’re back. Hoping you’re doing alright during this particularly strange time.♥️