ASMR – COLOR YOUR FACE ~ Personal Attention | Crayons Visual Triggers ~

Seafoam Kitten’s ASMR

Today I am here to color your face with crayons :3 I pick the right colors to suit your face and scribble it everywhere! This bideo has whispering, soft speaking, …


24 Responses

  1. A nobody says:

    You look like Ariana Grande when she played Cat here.

  2. idk idk says:

    Em so I am nackcd then 🤔

  3. Vault Boy says:

    Seafoam: "You looking a little pale"

    Me, having brown skin: oke

  4. Lucy The cat says:

    Ha ha I’m a year late to this yay

  5. hmm this reminds me of a certain alien I think his name was the same as (his first name that I definitely forgot) presley

  6. purple will show what you're really like

    *the heavy metal version of the cha cha slide slowly fading in as purple colour is applied"

  7. Omg. Has it really been a year already? Since this video was posted? I remember when it first came out! Wow.

  8. DanLuvs MC says:

    Seafoam:you look a little pale

    Me:the sun and I don’t really get along flashbacks to horrible sunburns

  9. I love your hoody, is that Espeon?

  10. Faic Legion says:

    Am… am I Blank from FNAC?

  11. Look at the f l i c k of the w r i s t

  12. Very nice video, visually speaking. Really. But could you add a layer of pencil scratching sounds next time? Please, that would be so awesome.

  13. The colors she picked are the colors of the Teletubbies

  14. I wuv it :3 Ur so good at coloring UwU

    Better than meh :V

  15. Seafoam: “You seem to be lacking colour” pulls out crayons
    Clansmen: confused racist noises

  16. Sea foam:this this is like 3 years past but I can get it done in like 15 mins.
    20 mins past
    Sea foam: welp I made you into a clown

  17. Spectum 113 says:

    15 minutes i can eat a whole pack in 20 seconds

  18. You will never know what I said

  19. Giraffe_HD says:

    Went to bed looking like a vampire,
    woke up looking like I spent a week on the sun..

    so this is what it's like to be tanned.

  20. I'm not lacking color in my life, I'm lacking love

  21. thank you seafoam for teaching me that crayons are the solution to white people

  22. Anyone ever watch asmr when there animating/drawing?

  23. Cereal Box says:

    when the box says 3 year and up but you eat the whole box in a few seconds