ASMR Cracking ~ Ring Dinger® ~ Didgeridoo ~ Acoustic Guitar. Relaxing Sound Session + Chiropractic.

Chiropractic Medicine

On this week’s episode

things get weird…

But only if your normal reality buzz is a caffeine style cut and paste video haste

The kind of stimulation for your brains with quick loading frames 

You won’t find that here, my friends.

So thank you for finding this fractal cosmic theme
Where the ASMR team brings sound in through the stream
Leaving your audiovisual screen clean and serene. 

This is Matthew’s 3rd appearance on CM. The first was back in the day on a specifidinger highlight reel when he literally responded to his first SD by poetically prophesizing “I feel like a highlighter.” 

The second was Winter 2019 during the unboxing of our first manual full spine y axis adjustment table, the Inertial Extensilizer. 

The table that was purchased green and then received a half upgrade to black upholstery, transforming it into the weird chip chocolate mint segregated monstrosity. 

It’s all chocolate now though… if you haven’t noticed yet. And even though the pads are new… the table is still a relic, 7 years my senior, hailing from 1975. 

Matthew is a licensed massage therapist who trained under the prestigious John Barnes. He works out of the yet to be seen… room 3. 

But his work … is obviously… lifetimes beyond the training of a fresh fingered fascial focused L.M.T. 

We’re talking ancient. 

The intention behind his work, whether it be skin to skin… or vocalized vi-bra-tion, is deep like a late night YouTube rabbit hole with Mr. Allen Watts on some chill step. 
Shamanic archetype 

paddling the vessel of consciousness down the jungle river trance. 

with a didgeridoo

Some will see, and call it reiki
but we all have “reiki” all the time
you can’t, NOT do reiki 

It’s dripping from all your pores, your windows, and your doors
creating reality, existentially, unequivocally, 

We’re going to need a didg track on every arthrostimed back, from here on out

this session unraveled from the ever-abundant nature of reality meeting our expectations to deliver versions of our own self.

It seemed random. I asked Kevin if he wanted to make a crack video and include a sound session. He brought his guitar as planned. But Matthew was following the line of the divine. 

I mean, he hasn’t shown up to the office on a Sunday during a recording since recordings began. And then the day I schedule a sound session…


I saw him show up during the interview… that’s when I knew… the universe was informing me of IT’S plan. 

Kevin, of course, completes his own cycle of self-fulfilling awesomeness by sowing the seeds of ASMR dreams and eventually eating the fruit of his own good deeds… right here in this video.


This wasn’t his first visit either. Kevin has been cracked on this channel. Quite epically. And even though most of that video was edited bc I had no idea what I was doing back then…

wait wait… 

I had no idea… that I had no idea… what I was doing with this vlog…
at least now I fill the shoe of an amateur newb, noob…

bc that visit would have surely been a click it.

If only I knew… how to put the camera in view

I had no microphone back then either. 

But that didn’t matter bc Kevin could barely walk that day. It wasn’t his first visit, but I hadn’t adjusted him for a couple of years. He was hurting but walked out with relief. I put it on the pod and let it stand in the corner. Here’s the edited visit…

But this video right here is a satellite view of the expanded spiraling shu, and ASMR content, that is made just for you. 

And these letters like atoms
forming elemental words 
compounding into sentence structure cells 
forming the organ of an idea
the organisms of thought
the community of consciousness

They’re for your eyes…
about 20k will make it this far in the next 2 months and will find the video that I’m hiding
way down here at the bottom of this week’s description prescription

a video of Kevin and I jamming. 


More importantly, if we are going to activate minds accordingly


We’re all here together. 

Prayers to the peoples in all lands, across the seas, and to all the plants, fungi, and animals living in trees.

And for the potential future receivers and sowers of sound sessions like these, just remember… 

To let go

and allow the vehicle of vibration to bring you to the fellowship of continual self realization.

Mistakes are the mulch of the garden.
Lessons are the water in the dirt of your deeds.
Spirit is the spearhead of sunlight activating your genes.
We are nourished by the wisdom of misfortune and abundance.
The medicine can be bitter. The fruit is sweet or sour,
and forgiveness flowers into gratitude for the gift we receive each and every time  

we breeeeeeeathe.



44 Responses

  1. Kevin on IG @kevinkoamusic
    His jams are incredible! Great original! Awesome human! Check him out!

  2. An I the only one who taught dr. b was going to loose his posture and laugh or atleast giggle 🤷🏽‍♂️

  3. I want to see the guy with the red shirt adjusted

  4. The junkie to be vibin doe

  5. drwelbie1 says:

    Awesome! Doc You need to loosen that tie and you should takeoff your shoes also

  6. KAS BURGUNDY says:

    I’d pay any amount of money to see jack
    Black do this 😂

  7. Mary Wenrich says:

    This is the best video evar! It cured my headache 🙂

  8. D. Clark says:

    ok hippie chic dude was a bit much lol

  9. Wild Tiger says:

    Musically, this video bypassed the foot lift.

  10. Wild Tiger says:

    Don't be offended Kelvin, but the original soundtrack of the foot lift is nothing like. There is both richness and piquancy.

  11. Joe Juice says:

    Where did the masks go lol

  12. Jamdude13 says:

    I'm gonna telly kids this is pearl jam

  13. This is the most awkward threesome that I’ve ever seen…😂

  14. When Johnny Depp’s character from Fear and Loathing takes a wrong turn and winds up a chiropractic office.

  15. Doc can surely handle his acid better than this other guy!😂

  16. 24:52 when you’re the last one to have the acid finally hit you…

  17. N8V_Pride616 says:

    Dude was on the Xanax

  18. Am I in a cult now

  19. Moon Child says:

    Wtf??! When did this become "shamanic" medicine!?!
    Also this guy is super weird and on drugs

  20. Long hair dude is just the kid that wants to help, my nephews do the same thing 😂

  21. Jeff Connors says:

    Just need mcconaughey on bongos and you got yourself a jam session

  22. Yum, another lions gate and passing through observing Mr b interesting! Might stay here presently for a bit I'm enjoying being here, thanking I got nothing to crack!…but secretly wishing I did for a milisecond and how much fun I could possibly have experiencing that 🤣😘

  23. 4nime_Joe says:

    I miss the voiceovers

  24. Matthew B says:

    Definitely one of the more weirder videos I’ve watched on this channel

  25. Simo Raja says:

    Islam, in language, Islam is surrender, and in the legal terminology it is intended to obey the commands of God Almighty, and devotion to him in worship without associating him with it, which is the first of the three levels of religion. Islam, faith, then charity, and Islam has five pillars: The first is the testimony that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is his servant and messenger, the second is the establishment of prayer, the third is the payment of zakat, the fourth of which is the fasting of Ramadan, and the last of which is the pilgrimage to the Sacred House of God for those who are able to perform it as a path. There is no messenger after him or a message from God Almighty, and whoever follows the religion of Islam and embraces it will be a winner in this world and the hereafter, and deserves the blessings of Paradise on the Day of Resurrection, but whoever leaves it and does not believe in it, no other religion will be accepted from him, just as the Islamic religion abrogates what preceded it from the laws and messages before it That which God Almighty has sent, it is not permissible to refer to anyone other than Islam, just as it is not permissible to take orders and prohibitions except from its sources.

  26. Dori Webster says:

    I could not get to the comments fast enough

  27. Kevin Mora says:

    This must've been the greatest acid trip of all time.

  28. Watching this made me feel like Im having a fever dream

  29. I want whatever the long hair guy is smoking

  30. cmcferson says:

    Truly wish I could've had this type of adjustment/experience.

  31. jacob daum says:

    truly astounding that anyone in this room could take this seriously

  32. Alex V says:

    Long hair dude is off so many drugs💀😂

  33. Don Juan says:

    How Manu mushrooms did he smoke? 😳 And how powerful were them? 😂😂
    Btw… Why everybody is calling him the guy with long hair? Apart of the patient is the only one with hair lol (sorry dr B)

  34. Was not expecting that first commercial…

  35. Colin Janis says:

    My mans is high off his mine😭

  36. hi9016t says:

    Jesus Christ that guys brain must be fried 😂

  37. Alex Leggett says:

    This guy is officially my favorite chiropractor for allowing this long hair guy in with the didgeridoo to participate. Love it

  38. Malvin Cruz says:

    I’m gonna need the name and number of your weed dealer. No rush.

  39. I woke up in the middle of the night to some bald dude and a dude with long hair performing a ritual on a guy laying on a table wtf