A custom galaxy jacket is one of those things that I haven’t done in ages, but it turns out that it’s an interesting project to do! As promised, here is the link for the …


26 Responses

  1. klaau says:


  2. Ionut Ureche says:

    Looks like a slice of pizza

  3. Bia Elena says:

    OMG it s awesome!!!

  4. Keep up the good work bro 🔥🔥🔥

  5. Super misto! Esti genial, Graure!

  6. Dania Mihaiu says:

    was expecting something boring like pink purple blue but this is on a whole different level ! DAMN 🙏🏼🔥

  7. Mario Carp says:

    Hi you can reply to on instagram I left you a message with some vans.

  8. iemmy says:

    Crezi ca după câteva spălări se va lua paint-ul?

  9. Alex Huple says:

    Super tare pe engleza Graure!!!

  10. Cel mai mare customer din România 🥰

  11. Real nice job! Congrats and keep up this amazing work!

  12. Pixys says:

    You are awesome!

  13. iMax9 says:

    Do You Remember me?
    I'm the Guy who Has told You Quantastic has Mentioned you in one of their Videos!
    Keep Up The Good Work!
    Love from Orhei (Moldova)

  14. Numele ultimei melodii, te rog 🙏

  15. I love it! I must say, now I like it even more! It's awesome! Thank you and keep going, you are great!

  16. Keep up the good work! Arata foarte fain 🙏🏻

  17. Poedry Wood says:


  18. Sincer …. te pricepi!!!

  19. Foarte tare ! Ur stepping up ur game