Karuna Satori ASMR

Welcome back, everyone. I’m back as well. It’s been an extremely rough time in my life recently. So videos will be sporadic. I still and always will so much adore …


39 Responses

  1. PLEASE SHARE MY AMAZON WISHLIST FOR MY BABIES!!! I desperately want my babies to have a Hatchimal this Christmas. I've never been able to give them what they wanted. This year they're old enough to understand. We waited for hours outside of Toys R Us. Please share this link for anyone who has a bit extra this year. Please. So much love and gratefulness to all of you.


    LINK to wishlist.

  2. And why does she tap everything

  3. CAT BEAN says:

    Omg the dolls face in the glass omg I can't stop laughing so I took a screenshot 😹😂😹😂

  4. Basic Lexi says:

    When the club to lit lol

  5. Chloe's face at 8:06 ahaha look through glass

  6. Stop Smoking. That is bad for you

  7. I couldn't help but laugh as the doll kept getting more f*cked up.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  8. Shout out to Chloe she the real mvp

  9. did anyone see the dolls mouth at 9:00

  10. Kiara Mah says:

    Omg at 9:03 the Barbie though the class looked sooooo funneh😂😂😂

  11. Larissa Zver says:

    Your eyeliner is horrible xD Just sayin….

  12. Liv Myers says:

    Doll: Yes hello I'll take a one just fuck me up fam

  13. bye world, I'm gonna sleep for 16536272727727373663636 years.

  14. Also the lid tapping reminds me of the do you kno de way meme ( spelled wrong on purpose)

  15. Your hair cut looks wonderful btw! Oh and good luck at the doctors☺️💗

  16. Okay,this video only has 95,256 views when it was uploaded nearly two years ago

  17. This video deserves way more views

  18. I like her whole oh shit moment XD

  19. The dolls face on the glass of water

  20. "So how are you today?"

    Chloe: Well, my grandpa died..

    "Well that's good"

    Chloe: ;-;

  21. Omg tapping on the open paint! I think i died of tingles (i didnt even have headphones on!)

  22. The skill is real.

  23. Victoria says:

    Just a suggestion: Your tapping is WAY too loud for asmr like seriously you need to be more gentle and slower not wake me up suddenly when i drift off to sleep because of your soothing voice

  24. mh ppa says:

    why do i think like she and jefreestar are long lost sisters ?

  25. Lady Gaga stole this look for applause

  26. Bhadie Lilo says:

    Someone call the police