ASMR Face Painting and Gum Chewing


Today I paint your face with water colors! I also chew gum throughout the video for your aural pleasure. I do hope you enjoy :P.


45 Responses

  1. aman wahi says:


  2. Great video. I got tingles down my spine! It really helps me relax and sleep. Would love more gum chewing as that is my main trigger and you do it so well.

  3. checking for negative votes

  4. robcliq says:

    Its super relaxing getting your face painted in for real

  5. Chris Adam says:

    Great video. Seriously

  6. robcliq says:

    I learn atleast 2 or 3 mew words every week from you t7ne. Ots crazy

  7. Could u plz do a gum chewing chewing vid and whispers only

  8. bosqueez89 says:

    One of my favorites. Thank you so much for helping me relax. Keep up the good work

  9. So far outta all the asmrers I've watched, your voice is definitely Β best. I'm glad there are some dudes out there making asmr videos <3

  10. Jake Jager says:

    You have such a calming voice. Your significant other (if applicable) is very lucky.

  11. SGR says:

    I was supposed to be writing a philosophy paper, but instead I have been sitting here watching your videos for almost two hours, lol. You are so amazing!

  12. sponage1 says:

    Im at work and i want to sleep now 😭zz

  13. Tae Yung says:

    Such a good video

  14. Tae Yung says:

    Where's the picture

  15. matt briers says:

    Oh its you! seeing this video reminds me of the first person who got me into ASMR, YOU. thank you so much! It was ages ago when i was looking through Lucid dreaming videos and getting to know about binaural beats and i came across this and it was because i was in bed while watching youtube and the video sent me straight to sleep i dont even know what happend but thought it was amazing and the next night i watched the same video and the next night, and the next night, and the next and then i saw that there isnt just one :D…… Anyway thank you soo much it was so long ago and seeing this just reminded me of who introduced me to ASMR, im so greatful. Awesome video by the way πŸ˜›

  16. Tae Yung says:


  17. Ames Sia says:


  18. Daleylife says:

    Andrew, please come back!

  19. Diatsu says:

    Now lets flip the camera so you cant see his face, and watch the views start plummeting..Β 

  20. Pietro Bucci says:

    Im distracted by your intronaut shirt. Those guys are dope

  21. love you but don't like the extra noises like chewing tapping typing ang crinkle stuff but ur still awesome love watching the first 3 I seen this one I guess is for folks who enjoy that stuff still your gr8

  22. Alexa Guerra says:

    It is silly n weird but the chills r insane I enjoyed it ! Tnx πŸ˜±πŸ’‹ u put me to sleep

  23. Morgan Field says:

    Hey, guapo, throw in some more gum chewing. πŸ™‚ I love the addition of the water sounds.

  24. You are like one if my teachers that whenever they talked to me it gave me calming chills. I always was sad when I had to leave but then I found you online and I was so happy. πŸ˜†

  25. Me 2016 says:

    Your eyes. omg 😍😍😍

  26. this guy does the best asmr videos, i hope he comes bsck.

  27. you look like johnny rapid xd

  28. iCrayz says:


  29. My first and favorite ASMR videos. Hope he's doing ok

  30. Come back 🀧😫

  31. Carly Smith says:

    Asmr pioneer! I think the first real asmr video I watched was by you. Looong time fan. Xx

  32. TheTyperboi says:

    I love this video…I've been watching it for years

  33. Wonder what happened to him

  34. Pietro Bucci says:

    My dude….that is a sick Intronaut tee. Props! I know sascha

  35. Sith Lord says:

    I've been watching this for years. Still gold