ASMR french manicure nails, whispering,

Real Painted Nails

ASMR #nailpainting #frenchmanicure.


1 Response

  1. handfanman says:

    I'm not a "length junky". So your needing to cut your nails back doesn't make them any less attractive. It's about overall aesthetics for me, and your nails hit the mark on so many levels! I'd go into that more, but those details probably don't interest anyone but me. And I get what the person is saying about your nails looking a bit yellow. But that doesn't take away from the beauty of them at all. To each their own though… I get that. 'Ouch' on your two tears! Especially your right index. That one is back into the nailbed. I bet it's still tender. Being blessed with strong nails like yours, the downside is when you really tear one, it's all the more painful when it goes really deep. And I love the idea of watching your nails grow out. One of life's small pleasures that I can look forward to enjoying with you. 🙂 So I'm not going anywhere!