Last night I was squatting next to the small metal grates trying to lit the magnesium tablets beneath them, and all for the sake of heating up a meal from a French …


26 Responses

  1. I mean I know you don't eat it. But use hot water please. X(

  2. zionchar11 says:

    French MRE have a lot of sweets

  3. remi kleer says:

    This is not the best menu, the petit salé aux lentilles is wonderful but the boeuf carrot is real shit, you eat it once and never again

  4. Man Punjabei says:

    It expires on my birthday

  5. Runner Plays says:

    Hoping to see a white flag inside

  6. many people don't like French people lol

  7. ALicia c says:

    Dude you should do a Korean one. They’re crazy insane.

  8. TheJeezab says:

    the louder and heftier the sounds, the stronger the asmr ! try it. max your volume and experience full best asmr

  9. MNG says:

    I can say only one:
    bébé Yoda

  10. Alexander says:

    Says 19. January 2020.
    Well damn now look at the time.

  11. deadass girl says:

    This video bring me a lot of memories ☺️My dad is a soldier in france and i remember when he was bringing home some of those box, and my brothers and i where always fighting to get to open a box. I was always stilling the chocolate bar, the biscuit, the powdered energy drink and the lasagna. The lasagna were like a rare diamond, it was so goooooood. But The last time a eat one i was so deceived, it wasn't good at all 😅 😂

  12. Jamie Irvine says:

    Watching the day it goes out of date lol

  13. Nia Thoms says:

    thats crazy it expires today

  14. The package expired yesterday, January 19, 2020 😂😂😂

  15. 健[TAKEBOU] says:


  16. WonyL says:

    19 jan 2020 nice here we go

  17. Mounir says:

    Trop tard pour y gouter 🙁

  18. tonia racea says:

    Baguette Baguette, crosoint crosoint, Jean Pierre Polnareff

  19. ZOdarK Wolf says:

    watch the pack and see number 8
    in my head : i take, two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6s with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s one with cheese and a large soda

  20. Jean, tu me passes des biscuits de campagne steuplé ? J'en ai plus moi j'ai tout passé à François

  21. Brian Haines says:

    I hope you ate all that