Asmr | French Ramble (English Subtitles)

Delicate Whispers

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41 Responses

  1. Tu est magnifique

  2. Kenodoxia says:

    I need more french asmr , please , that's so cute 😀
    Merci pour ce asmr !

  3. I m Ari says:

    Elle s appelle comment ?

  4. Tu a de la Chance de habiter au état unis !

  5. F. Tom says:

    I'm french. Thanks for this video !

  6. You have a really nice accent, really cute! French is a really hard langage, keep on learning you’re doing good!

  7. Mathilda a says:

    j’ai rien compris

  8. Group i says:

    Cartoooon Princess Gif… + Good subject= Good video 👸🏻

  9. matthias V says:

    Tu as un très bon niveau pour ton âge mais y'a juste un truc que je peux te conseiller : en fait en francais la plupart du temps on ne prononce pas les t et les s en fin de mots.
    Par exemple j'ai quatorze ans ça se prononce j'ai 14 an
    Sinon bonne vidéo

  10. R D says:

    J'ai beaucoup aimé ta vidéo, ton accent est trop chou, gros bisous💜

  11. Fortnite Ls says:

    Je suis née le 25 mai aussi 😊😊😊😊

  12. Selyne says:

    Love it! Thank you!

  13. Soul Liker says:

    Hey Delicate Whispers, I subscribed less than 1 month ago and I adore your channel. Randomly, YT's just proposed me this old vid on the right. I am french, if you've got any question about my language, whenever it is, and there's no better solution available rapidly, you can always ask here, as an answer to this comment, and I will reply to you. I don't know how much you've improved your prononciation since nov 2016, but just in case, remember that you never pronounce the s in the plural mode in french ( only if you link with the following word in litterature reading ).

  14. alain says:

    Merci pour votre Français pas formidable mais ça viendra tres vite. MERCI BEAUCOUP

  15. Hello, I'm French, if you need help to translate, we can talk together 😉
    I can improve your French ^^

  16. i love your accent ♥ this is really funny

  17. Crazy Iya says:

    Ton français n'est pas mauvais , c'est bien ! Continue comme ça 🌟

  18. In Spain languages are super important. I started to learn english when I was 4 at school and that is my second language nowadays and I speak it fluently. When I entered to middle school (I was 12 at the time) french was obligatory. Now I am 16 and I am not fluent on it but I can understand almost everything and I can express myself pretty well, but practise make everything perfect! 😀

  19. jiggyjimmmy says:

    This help with my listening skills SO THANKS!!

  20. Raini YT says:

    Why did she make a French video if she doesn’t know French

  21. Il faut lui dire qu' les s ne se prononcent pas en fin de mot

  22. it's not (heu) mais (heuRe)

  23. Skorlorg says:

    My birthday is 24 may

  24. THOROO says:

    I'm french and your french is very good !

  25. This was so hard to understand no hate but the pronunciation was off a bit but it's good that your trying things like this

  26. ''j'ai quatorze anS'' english subs: ''i am 15 years old''.
    noopnoop not a french speaker lmaOO

  27. Lionel Prat says:

    Pas de croissants ! Et le pinard ???

  28. Kim Marie says:

    I learn french since 5 yeats and all i know is baguette and bonjour

  29. zMinaato says:

    Des petits airs de Squeezie.

  30. Roxie Allen says:

    Your doing really good

  31. victoria l says:

    This is very good je suis française et tu parles très bien pour un début. Courage c'est très bien d'apprendre les langues

  32. Hé pour une fois que les commentaires ne sont pas rempli de français 😂 . Sinon tu parle bien français je trouve 😜

  33. Omg je pensais qu elle avait environ 19ans