Asmr | French Ramble (English Subtitles, Softly Spoken)

Delicate Whispers

So as you can probably tell I totally messed up filming this. Like half of my face is out of frame for most of it and normally I’d just refilm but with French videos in …


38 Responses

  1. Zero Cool says:

    good to see you back 😀

  2. We missed you Emma!

  3. Jon Harrison says:

    Nice to hear your soothing voice again.

  4. Could she knock the US anymore? Poor girl's a product of liberal proselytization.

  5. Shelby A says:

    Yes!! You’re back!!

  6. No braces? Finally. Te amo desde México! <3 <3 Nice Video

  7. Jade says:

    Holy fuck you're gorgeous… and I don't even swing that way 😀

  8. Sylvia5255 says:

    I totally agree. I think schools should start teaching languages in kindergarten so everyone can be fluent by the time they reach high school

  9. JoeyRichmond says:

    Glad you are finally back to calm us all down.
    Life can be stressful.

    Thank you for another video. I hope we can see them more often.

  10. Ray says:

    Je t'aime❤️ , I just learned that word in French and I wanted to say it lol 😂

  11. Tu sais bien parler français et j'aime bien ton accent

  12. Toute jolie sans l'appareil dentaire, vraiment. Bravo continue à t'entraîner. Keep up

  13. Leo Hoch says:

    She gets more gorgeous every video she makes tbh

  14. Nicholas says:

    You are beautiful

  15. Olivia Grace says:

    J'étudie français à ma université! Ton pronunciation est excellent, et ta vocabulaire n'est pas mal! Tu parle la langue très bien 🙂 bonne chance avec tes études!!! DuoLingo est une bonne app pour la pratique. (Désolé si ce n'est pas parfait parce que j'ai seulement utilisé google translate un peu.)

  16. I don't know how long you've been studying French for, but for your level I think you speak really well! It's not easy learning another language so I think you're doing pretty good! Also I'm writing thus with my eyes half closed as I'm falling asleep to your relaxing voice! Thank you 🙂

  17. Andi Glez says:

    Are you new to the language?

  18. Sheogorath31 says:

    A video of you repeating the french alphabet over and over (singing a bit, like you do) would make me tingle so much. I've noticed that when you say the alphabet in your 1st video in french I had a looooot of tingles. And when you did the beginning of the alphabet in this video, I had a lot of tingles too. Maybe it's the fact that your singing, I don't know. (I'm sorry if I made mistakes, I'm french ^^)

  19. ava dp says:

    you're so beautiful and your videos are really great. i actually really loved the French ramble (I always play it when I wanna sleep) so I was super happy when I saw this ! Love u lots emma 🌼 support from Brussels 🌹

  20. Chavezoid says:

    Bonjour…. longtemps que nous ne venons pas (hope I got that right). Je suis tres joyeaux que tu est retourné.

  21. YOU GOT YOUR BRACES OFF!!! You look so pretty with and without them!

  22. merci de parler en français, your voice is so great, i love it

  23. Antoine says:

    Ton accent est trop mignon 😍

  24. R D says:

    Ta nouvelle coupe et tes dents te font paraître plus mature, tu es très belle et très bonne vidéo💜

  25. Raaven says:

    I'm french, and i see you have a great level in french, the french is to one of must hard language to learn so don't worry about that…. You must never give up and if you want to learn more, if you are in louisiana or near, you can go to New Orleans for the french quarter… Bonne Chance 😘

  26. Waxx Limi says:

    Franchement tu te débrouille très bien, continue comme ça. En plus, je suis sûr que faire des vidéos en français t'aide dans ton apprentissage de la langue. Bonne vidéo
    Honestly, you're doing well. Keep up the good work. Additionally, I'm sure making videos in French helps you to learn the language. Good video.

  27. En tant que Français , j'ai presque tout compris ! bon travail !! As a French , I have almost understood everything ! good job !! 😀

  28. je parle français, j'aime les jeunes filles, et cette vidéo est magnifique.

  29. Rose Bailey says:

    You look so glowy and pretty, your hair is just amazing short and you took your braces off and it looks great

  30. KimKim says:

    Elle est barbante cette langue ! Le français est trop dur ! :C

  31. Do you know tandem? ;0

  32. DenisPouniar says:

    Tu parles comme mon coresspondent américain

  33. To say "I could" it would be "je pourrais" and to conjugate the verb "devoir", it's :

    Je dois
    Tu dois
    Il doit
    Nous devons
    Vous devez
    Ils doivent

  34. Hey, i'm french, but i can talk your langage, it is cool you learn french, it is difficult because of the rules of grammar so special… i understand you, it's a good beginning, keep up the good work ^^

  35. Marc Dufour says:

    Hey huge hug from France btw its samedi thing for me i really want learn english like you se im so bad congratulations and Keep going 👌