ASMR games Soap Cutting and Woodturning hit top 5 | Pocket


This article is part of an ongoing series of data-driven articles from and App Annie highlighting trends in the mobile games sector.

After five weeks as the most downloaded mobile game, Johnny Trigger finally drops down to #3 on the chart.

And that sees Eyewind’s Brain Out making it finally to the top spot.

The game has been a fixture near the top of the download charts since late November so its success has been a long time coming.

Elsewhere, there are plenty of new entries with relaxing/ASMR hypercasual games Soap Cutting (from Crazy Labs) and Woodturning (from Voodoo) both making it into the top 5, and the more traditional casual game TapNation’s Ice Cream Inc positioned at #7.

The most downloaded mobile game of the decade – Subway Surfers – remains firmly on the chart too, of course.

There’s less movement on the engagement chart, with PUBG Mobile remaining nailed on in the #1 position for a seventh week in a row.

Indeed, all top four games remain in the same position as last week. The highest mover is Chinese casual game Anipop, up to #5.

Call of Duty: Mobile is the only other game to move. It’s down to #7.

There’s also plenty of activity on the top grossing chart, although Honour of Kings remains #1.

In particular, three top Japanese RPGs have generated plenty of movement. Monster Strike is back into the chart and straight into the #2 position. Conversely, the previous #2 – Fate Grand/Order – exits the chart. Dragon Quest Walk is another re-entry, coming in at #6.

Indeed, what’s significant about these games is just how often they leave and re-enter the top grossing charts. There are two dynamics at work. The first is their relatively small audiences, which means they never feature on the top engagement chart and not often feature on the top grossing charts.

However, because these small audiences are prepared to spend very large amounts of money, especially on a per user basis, their developers have become experts at running the sort of limited edition events that can generate tens of millions of dollars, firing these games high into the charts, albeit for short durations.

Elsewhere at the top of the chart, Chinese-focused titles Game For Peace and AFK Arena fill out the remainder of the top 4 positions; no doubt boasted by activity around the Chinese New Year.

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