ASMR hand sounds and whispers


This video is hand sounds and movements only. Simple simple 🙂

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38 Responses

  1. Wyatt says:

    Please do more hand movement videos!

  2. しづき!! says:


  3. Tasleeb Gill says:

    You speak too much which make disturbance

  4. Andy says:

    In 22:42 his hands look like they’re glitching 😂😂 just spazzing out

  5. More inaudible unintelligible whisper please!!!

  6. “hand sounds and sounds”

  7. jjulian1783 says:

    A lot of breath sounds which you don’t hear in many other ASMR videos on other channels.

  8. Soldiers handling agent orange in vietnam: 21:35

  9. jscamrks says:

    Please do an updated hand sounds video. That would be so great!

  10. erik axr says:


  11. お侍さん says:


  12. Roxbruh Man says:

    Dont think about anything.

    Continues to bring up things to think about

  13. Can you do a video where you say "tingles" for 1 mins

  14. saman Heer says:

    Raphy: don't think about school
    Me: starts thinking about school
    Raphy: don't think about work
    Me: starts thinking about work
    Raphy: Don't think about bills
    Me: thinking about bills
    Me: ok i gotta buy those sleeping pills

  15. saman Heer says:

    Put 2X speed and listen from 5:146:00 relaxing flashback

  16. MissT ASMR says:

    I love your creativity! I'm searching for ASMR inspiration and support. Just starting out myself. I'd love some feedback please ♥️🙌

  17. Is this video on Spotify?

  18. Laiba Khan says:

    Love from pakistan..
    Love your asmrs, you r really cute …💕💕
    New suscriber..

  19. 18:52 for hair pomade sounds

  20. May Y R says:

    Millions of trigger-inducing instruments yet my favorite trigger is your hand soundss

  21. Its almost like an aerobics class for your mind! Close your eyes and relax and sleep ..repeat:|

  22. 9:00 when my parents aren't home

  23. to the 999 people that disliked … fuck you

  24. David MJ says:

    You aré Farruko

  25. 16:02 me trying to catch the fly that has been in my Room for days

  26. snipy faze says:

    We dont need to worry about school for a while

  27. Jose Fraga says:

    Pls do a video with hand sounds but no toking plsss

  28. Azzam 01 says:

    Please Dont think about work just stay at home and hear Asmr😌

  29. sun.flower says:

    Tonights Video…
    Me: is sponsort by?

  30. i like the part when he Didin't put an ads

  31. Lala Sendor says:

    don't think about the pink elephant :///