ASMR Henna Hand Art

SoulRepose ASMR

This video was a very hard, very bittersweet thing for me to put together. Lisa Lareau, the woman who graciously allowed me to (clumsily) apply henna to her hands, who helped me create this video, who was my friend and future sister-in-law, passed away suddenly and unexpectedly soon after we shot this video. Making this video was the last fun, meaningful thing we did together. I’d edit this footage on my computer, and for hours I’d see her face and hear her voice, and for me, in those moments she was still alive. Then I’d step away from my computer and realize she’s gone forever. I keep waiting for her to change her mind and come back to us. She is greatly missed.
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*This video is intended for audiences 13 years old and up.


47 Responses

  1. Peyton Boles says:

    It's soon to be three years ago. I really am sorry for the loss!

  2. Tychi Aik0 says:

    Why she talking like that??'s weird

  3. Gempopsicle says:

    Oh my goodness, that is so sad. Much love to you xxxxxx

  4. Sam Fannin says:

    You deserve more subs

  5. Just read the caption. I know it’s from 2015 but I’m sorry for your loss, the caption almost put me to tears I think it’s beautiful you guys made one video before she passed.✨

  6. Alex Mills says:


  7. Kit Fischer says:

    i love henna… i’m gonna do it for my birthday party next week hopefully!

  8. natalieneven says:

    God bless your friend and sorry for your loss

  9. inFamousKai says:

    Indeed I am very late but I am very sorry for your loss.

  10. Cat415 says:

    I encourage you all the read the caption. I'm so sorry for your loss❤

  11. garvin0313 says:

    I love your nails & the polish you picked. Makes me think of chocolate!

  12. John Brady says:

    I know this video is over three years old by now and I doubt it you will even read this. I discovered your channel by YouTube's algorithm placing one of your videos on my home page. I have been watching your videos starting from the first and working my way up. I love your channel and subscribed. Several hints called you by your first name. Linda?

    Well, Linda that was an interesting video. A good friend of mine is a professional belly dancer. She gets her hands beautifully done with intricate henna designs at a local tattoo shop.

    Linda, how heartbreaking to see that message at the end of the video. The henna designs you put on Lisa's hands could very well still have been on her hands when she passed. She had something very personal from you to her in her last days. I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend.

  13. sparklydh says:

    I am terribly sorry for your loss. I do know that lisa is in a great place now!

  14. DAVID YOHO says:

    So glad you two got to do this together!! Hopefully it got her out of some house work.. And you have found peace She seemed like a very kind person.. Sorry for your family's loss

  15. God bless you Lisa Lareau peace be with you

  16. Mrz. Castle says:

    I want to eat it 🤔

  17. Are you Elisabeth Taylor's sister?

  18. Ava Sky says:


  19. How can something be so interesting yet relaxing at the samr time? like, i feel i want to sleep, my eyes are heavy, but i want to see the end of it. Such pleasurable torture.

  20. Tripcore says:

    Your voice is too deep for asmr. You need to whisper

  21. Sophie says:

    Poor woman that is truly appalling

  22. I donated an unused kit to a resale shop. My mom gave it to me because she wanted me to stop getting tattoos. I didn't use it I just got more tattoos

  23. gab R says:

    The dog ????? 😭😭😭😭😭😭

  24. Poor babe, so sorry. It is a wonderful video. I believe she is somewhere up there, doing okay, and if I were up there, I'd want you to be doing okay too.

  25. 3400rsah says:

    This beautiful cardboard box

  26. Londonnester says:

    Mezmerized by her beauty. Plz marry me haha.

  27. May the gods rest her soul

  28. Dream Asmr says:


    70% of people talking about Lisa's death…. Im so sorry….

    10% Talking abou her Fab Nails

    1% talking about there lonely

    19% Are Relaxed (Jk Everbody's Relaxed)

  29. Sajin JS says:

    I work on night shift.. and sleep at morning.. so, its Good Morning from me and.. 💤💤💤

  30. lion king says:

    You know I subscribed you just because I love you

  31. rip 🙁 .May god bless your family

  32. Sorry for your loss. Let this be a tribute to her

  33. Don’t Sub says:

    Sorry for ur loss but btw ur supposed to peel of the henna

  34. You would have been better off doing it freehand with a fine tip sharpie

  35. SD Fan says:

    This is actually a good idea for teen girls who want tattoos now,, to see if they like it. Is that tea drinkable?

  36. E says:

    I'm very late but I'm so sorry for you loss. Just remember she's in your heart always and is looking down on you watching over all of you.

  37. Amina Ali says:

    It may be your first time but you did good. My condolences

  38. On your first try you did very well.

  39. i have hemorrhoids

  40. One of your best, it almost always triggers me.

  41. saran camara says:

    that was a good one may the one god bless you

  42. Ti dico solo questo… Ho visto milioni di donne e tantissime mi sono piaciute ma credimi.. Adoro i tuoi occhi.. Sei il simbolo della sensualità.. Credo meriti di più di ciò che fai….sei la persona più bella e mozzafiato del globo… Ti sposerei se potrei e non mi stancherei di guardarti fino alla morte…. Complimenti…

  43. I was 12 years old when I got my first henna tattoo….I was on Christmas break from school

  44. I would recommend not using a lime to make the henna. Lime juice does really bad things to the skin, so just stick to lemon juice. I have done henna for a few years now and I would also recommend keeping your henna in the fridge.