ASMR – I'm struggling a bit (Whispered Ramble and Painting my nails)

ASMR Zelda

Hi everyone, I just wanted to do a whispered ramble about what’s been going on with me lately. And share some of my mental health and physical health issues and why I’ve been away for a while. Thank you for being my sounding board! Talking about it helps me and I appreciate you guys always listening.

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Disclaimer: This video was created for relaxation purposes.
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33 Responses

  1. TV Mine says:

    Have you looked into possibly renting an air bnb with a personal pool? That could be fun!! I am sending wellness thoughts you way 💗

  2. hundhundkatt says:

    Sending you lots of strength!

  3. hundhundkatt says:

    Girl what?!! I have that stomach thing tooo!! Yes exactly the same, tummy is super bloated, hard, cant suck in AT ALL. Sometimes its more flat, but still bloated and it feels like there is a hard rock inside, and then it bloats again. Super burpy all the time, like i just drank some soda. And yes everything i eat makes me bloated too. Im bloated in the morning right when I wake up, during the day and in the evening. Also I feel like I cant digest food, i feel full for so long. Let us know if you find anything that helps

  4. Cat Tennant says:

    I know everyone is hoping for you that you feel better soon, and I do too, but also I wanted to say that there's no pressure on time from a YouTube end. We will still be here. You're such a wonderful support for us all – please let us know if there is anything we can do to help you in return. <3

  5. sister jude says:

    Ihope u feel better but its fall lemme tell u this mf season also make me feel this way too all the bad weather and also all whats happening in the world
    Ps u r loved darling and u r appreciated and hope u have a wonderful day ❤️

  6. Lots of love to you, so many people are feeling like this lately. I have been the same myself, anxiety happens to us all we just need to treat it like any other emotion. The trick is to let it come and let it go again. Most times when we feel anxiety we worry and fear it and that makes it worse. I hope you will feel better again soon 💚

  7. Your whispered rambles are my favorite ASMR videos ever! I find them interesting no matter what you talk about! I do hope you feel better soon! Sending you hugs 🙂

  8. Hope you feel better soon hun ,sending you hugs

    Sorry to hear you are going through this
    I honestly understand you ,the symptoms you are describing is exactly the same symptoms I get from severe depression and anxiety ,constant severe stomach pains I have exactly same symptoms .

    I hope your doctor gets to the bottom of this

    .I was bedbound two years straight with severe depression and anxiety few years ago it was serious and I had constant stomach pain ….

    Drink few cups milk a day
    Drink few cups of peppermint hot tea a day

    Myself like you I have to go see a GI doctor now for my stomach

    So I honestly understand how you feel here and it’s painful

  9. winday191 says:

    Edit: I just continued watching and you’ve gone on to talk about all the stuff I mentioned haha. Really hope you feel better soon x

    Hey Jasna. So sorry to hear you’ve been having a hard time lately. I’ve been in a bit of a low place lately too, you’re not alone 💕 I’m only 4.5 mins in so maybe you’ll go on to talk about this, but it sounds like you are maybe suffering from depression as well as anxiety. Did you know that 90% of our serotonin is produced in our gut? For a long time we thought that stomach problems were a symptom of depression but actually, it has recently been found to be the other way around. Depression is a symptom of stomach problems, because when our stomach is suffering in some way, the amount of serotonin we produce is changed.
    Anyway, I hope you are able to get to your doctor for support or even confide in a trusted friend who can support you through this. Big hugs!

  10. Hi lovely – I can completely relate to your gut and anxiety issues, you are not alone in this and there is no doubt the two are closely related. A friend told me when I was struggling that when hungry, your body is triggered to go into fight or flight as it’s anxious to find some nutrition…try and get some regular meals, any food you like! I’m currently taking Ginger Root with my meals and find its super helpful for digestive distress & bloating! so maybe try that 🙂 xxx

  11. Jill Suzanne says:

    Yeast overgrowth maybe. Hope you find an answer.

  12. jadedhrt8 says:

    I feel you girl. Life has been rough lately and I have no motivation to do anything at all. Anxiety and depression are both high at the moment. You’re definitely not alone. Wishing you the best. Hope you start feeling better! ♥️

  13. Take care of yourself. Lots of love coming to you. Take some time for yourself if you can. Your GP might be able to help too. Im sure you know all this, but make sure you come first! ❤

  14. Sam says:

    I am a counselor for mental health and you my sweet are 100% depressed. That is the definition of depression. You may dealing with anxiety as well, but not wanting to do ANYTHING, feeling drained ect ect. That’s depression. There isn’t just one type of depression. It’s a huge umbrella. And just because you never had it before doesn’t mean you can’t get it later in life. I would look into a professional to talk to if it doesn’t get better in time. Sorry to break it to ya. It’s absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.

  15. Celery juice!! Everyday

  16. Joey Heflich says:

    You started talking about feeling something like anxiety but not anxiety that stops you in your tracks – could you be having emotional flashbacks from trauma? You're explaining textbook definition depression, yes, but also, something that a lot of people have been experiencing, including myself, during this whole mess is compassion fatigue/trauma/bringing up old traumas. The bit about you getting stuck in certain situations/feeling frozen sounds a lot like the dorsal vagal response due to flashbacking. (If none of this makes sense, google search "polyvagal theory" or "window of tolerance." The popular image results usually have a neat little graph explaining how this works.)

  17. Fish Stew says:

    Ask for a gastric emptying scan. I have gastroparesis and it sounds very similar to your issues. Keep us updated!!

  18. Could it be that you refuse to confront something (or someone) that's keeping you stuck? Are you digesting LIFE properly? Try forcing yourself to take a long brisk walk. Make yourself perspire a little. When you get home you just might feel better, no matter how much you want to feel sorry for yourself. Even 'moderate' exercise releases pleasure endorphins like serotonin and melatonin. Stop ruminating and try meditating. Do ANYTHING, rather than what you're currently doing.

    Depression is a reality that most people aren't burdened with but are now experiencing. The suicide rates are higher than the lethal effects of the "pandemic" itself. People are sheep by nature and are affected by propaganda to varying degrees. We're all different! Please let me know how you're getting on, no matter how much you can't even get around to procrastinating. STOP RUMINATING and get active, no matter how much the thought of it may nauseate you. If it provides nothing else it WILL force you mood to elevate, proving you ARE capable of finding relief, even if it's temporary. If you can belly laugh at something (even if it's at yourself!) it will also release the same endorphins! Your body is the vehicle that has to haul your sorry butt around. At least, try nourishing IT properly and regularly. It might just help! Best of luck to you!

  19. korey samuel says:

    I am by no means a doctor but it sounds like it’s a mental thing that is triggering your anxiety and thus the physical manifestation. I also think your job is working you too hard – you should be able to have breaks and eat without having to work, they need to help share your workload. Wishing you the best

  20. This happened to me 13 years ago. Ends up i had a thyroid problem. Get your thyroid checked.

  21. Blake Young says:

    Love your videos! Would I be able to recommend a video on the new Netflix doc called American Murder?

  22. Hey lovely, sad to hear how difficult you're finding things right now but it's also lovely to see so many supportive and encouraging comments here. I know you've had loads of suggestions and recommendations from people already, but I really hope you won't mind one more. Have you ever looked into ADHD? I know that might sound silly, but ADHD presents quite differently in girls meaning it tends to get missed by parents and teachers, it's severely under diagnosed. The reason I'm asking anyway is because I was diagnosed myself a few years back, and ever since I first started watching your channel, I've always thought that you might be a kindred spirit – you say and do and feel and think sooo many things that sound exactly like how a female ADHD brain works. I don't think this helps with your stomach problems though, but the feelings of sluggishness, procrastination , a lack of motivation, the emotional ups and downs multiple times a day that are often hard to explain or put into words, the way your hobbies start to feel like housework – you keep putting them off and making excuses as if they were lines on a giant list of chores – and you don't understand why something that once brought you so much joy and excitement, something that you once had endless amount of time and love and energy for, now feels like such a burden and a slog. The heavy list of stuff you know you need to do, gets longer every day – you realise that the only time you ever manage to actually do something on that list, is when there's an immediate negative consequence for putting it off any longer (like running out of underwear!). And if you can't motivate yourself to do basic stuff like laundry, then there's no way your brain is going to let you feel comfortable doing something "non-essential" like one of your hobbies or interests. So instead you do neither, and in turn you feel worse about both. Anyway, enough of my rambling, I know that all sounds very dramatic and negative! But one of the good things about an ADHD diagnosis is that there are so many treatments available that really do work and reduce these symptoms. Even if someone decides never to take medication for it, there are so many ADHD-specific coping strategies and learning techniques that can make a big difference in terms of how you approach a task or handle a difficult situation. I know I spent my life reading advice for neurotypical people and feeling like a failure when I just couldn't make it work for me, I thought I must be lazy or stupid or a fraud / imposter. But nope, I just have a different brain type.
    I really hope that it isn't rude of me to suggest you might have ADHD btw , I realise armchair diagnoses can be wildly inaccurate and unhelpful. BUT honestly it would explain so much of what you said in this video 💕💕

  23. This makes me so sad for you. Honestly, listening to you speak is like looking in the mirror. Sounds like high functioning depression/anxiety, you can do most things like work etc but anything 'extra' is just a stretch too far, and you're too lethargic or bummed out to bother. Stress is a huge contributor to stomach troubles and things like IBS, I wonder if it's as simple as that? Stress can cause the weirdest/random unexplainable ailments, it sounds like you're just overdoing it from all angles and also just a little bit down in the dumps. I really feel for you. I hope you take some time to relax a little bit and try to take care of your mind and body so you can heal ❤️

  24. Diana Ava says:

    Have you checked for gulbladder stones?? That’s exactly what I have been feeling. I went to to doctor got an MRI and they saw lots of stones which my doctor said gives bloating and has (I burp like I had a pack of beer every morning) he said stones add pressure but since they haven’t moved I can’t get them surgically removed. This sounds a lot like your case have that checked.

  25. Aw me too. I have been the same way. Yesterday was the worst. I have stomach issues too. Virtual hugs to you. We will make it. ❤️ Exercise helps with both

  26. Bellz says:

    I have bad anxiety , Get this – Himalayan pink salt , calm magnesium powder and B complex stress vitamins. It is your gut/ second brain

  27. Katie Coburn says:

    I almost wish you would have recorded this non asmr. You are my favorite ASMRtist and I have a lot of anxiety and am struggling quite a bit myself so I very much want to hear what’s up with you and say prayers that it gets better but it’s now day 3 of trying to listen and I keep falling asleep because you have the BEST whisper!!! 😭😭😭 I do hope things get better for you!

  28. Hi!! You earned a new subscriber!! ❤️❤️

  29. Maddie C. says:

    Thank you for opening up! ♥️

  30. I hope your anxiety is ceasing. I suffer too. Really bad. You need to listen to some ASMR 😂 take care from UK.

  31. I have the same thing. Its been a vicious cycle. Mine started as stress/anxiety that caused inflammation of my stomach and then caused severe acid reflux/GERD, which for some reason would make me anxious and cause more acid in my stomach. There are days where I'm actually glad to be working at home during this virus because the gurgling gets crazy loud, whether I eat or not. Acid reflux meds don't work for some reason. I had the scope in my belly last year, and there was nothing but some inflammation. He even took biopsies to be sure. I did find that changing my attitude helped, but its hard to be positive 24/7 when your stomach bothers you and you are worried about everything. I have found that bowel detox helps alot which contains activated charcoal. Good luck to you.

  32. Vilma says:

    Thank you for making this video. I have very similar stomach issues to yours and I was watching it while having cramps and pains and feeling completely frustrated as I dont know how to help it anymore.. But your video helped me feel not alone and calm me down in a way. I hope it improves for you and just wanted to thank you for taking the time to be real and open with us. I think it is so easy to feel all alone with your problems. Take care and stay safe! x

  33. I have waves of anxiety and know it’s because I am a sad soul inside and have down times . I do think your anxiety is causing your stomach issues 😘💕I also take paracetamol everyday for headaches x