[ASMR] Learn French In Your Sleep! (feat. Springbok ASMR) – Episode 1


Bonjour! In this binaural ASMR video, Springbok ASMR and I help you learn French in your sleep! Just start listening when you go to bed, and you’ll wake up with a wealth of new knowledge on the language. We hope you enjoy it!

Many thanks to Springbok ASMR for the incredible amount of work she did for this project. If you’re not already familiar with her channel, please check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-r8XyqbggZobMiNsqgWkDg

Facebook: facebook.com/ASMattRpublic
Twitter: twitter.com/ASMattR

P.S.: …April Fools! 😛


31 Responses

  1. Omelette du fromage

  2. Boujour je suis français 🥖

  3. He said that one so long that I forgot what it was in English I assuuuume omelet though if I had to guess😂

  4. Gabby M says:

    i was looking for a french asmr so i could study while doing homework but this was far better than anything i could have hoped for.

  5. Dwweeb òvó says:

    When you actually wanted to learn some French for once fml

  6. FitzInAFritz says:

    Dear god was that ICP?

  7. This is wrong. I woke up speaking fluent Dutch.

  8. Amaia Murat says:

    Why is he repeating omlettetu fromage 💀

  9. CG Art says:

    It is so good to know that "omelette au fromage" can be very useful on a daily basis, now I can make a trip to France. 😂

  10. BuckDanny says:

    Not a single french sentence in french is right :/

  11. The Unknown says:

    Know I want omelette au fromage

  12. Claire Wang says:

    this is creepy

  13. Claire Wang says:

    listening to this and looking the guy on left really creeps me out

  14. The sad thing is I was actually really excited to learn and relax…..

  15. Risxy says:

    Wth keep saying the same word

  16. M A says:

    Please tell me someone here watched dexters laboratory as a kid

  17. Elteay says:

    Legend has it if you fall asleep during this video then when you will wake up you will only be saying "omlette au frommage"

  18. 0:26
    I definitely have a firmer grasp on the french language now

  19. the only thing you need to know in french
    omelette au fromage

  20. Annie Bell says:

    o m l e t u a u f r o m a r g e

  21. This made me laugh too much

  22. h h says:

    Did I hear " tried to eat my cellphone it ran away…"

  23. Butter Bitch says:

    Thank god now I can go conquer the world

  24. Lazy Squxd says:

    So I will wake up saying “ oui oui monami jemappel Lafayette”?

  25. Lord Howie says:

    F'ing Magnets au fromage

  26. I like how he’s still dedicated to commenting on every comment.

  27. Ian Rivlin says:

    Its a load a stupid repetitive rubbish.