ASMR Let Me Gesso You

ARDRA -asmr-

I had some issues recording this (gesso on my face too) but was able to pull something out of it. ENJOY!

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27 Responses

  1. Do a video where you just look at us

  2. Only knew what gesso meant cause of Bob Ross

  3. Gerula says:

    I have just found this channel and my only regret is that I cannot subscribe a million times. Amazing work and intimidating beauty! Thanks for sharing!

  4. miss you Ardra, I hope theres a Krampus 3 coming… if not its cool

  5. Only if it's Black Gesso.

  6. Oh look who’s back . Nice to see you how’s things ? Merry Christmas and such .

  7. Justin Cole says:

    u ever gunna make cool videos again?

  8. Daniel Nope says:

    Wow, I'm new to your channel. I'm in love with your videos. They feel very intimate. The way you speak is incredibly soothing. I really hope you are still creating new videos.

  9. Something about this painting… didnt You do it on camera a couple years ago? I know I've seen it before, can't remember what video its from

  10. Bela Inverso says:

    This feels like a calm Fortunato point of view of The Cask of Amontillado

  11. slinkyatrest says:

    I always get this image in my head of her coming over with like a bucket of weird shit and politely demanding to practice on me. Like, for Christ's sake I'm eating cereal right now. fine. gesso my face.

  12. You’re such a dork:D

  13. Is it supposed to feel like she's breaking up with you

    Because I feel it

    It hurts

  14. Fantastic video on so many levels, its hard to express.

  15. you can always do better

  16. neoasura says:

    Its nice to see eyebrows nicely trimmed again. I get tired of all these thick buzzed eyebrows that are trendy today.

  17. Austin D says:

    Anybody think she kinda looks like Jessica rabbit just with her eyes ?

  18. Model eyes. Did you use a filter or are you perfect? 😍😍😍

  19. Going back to this broke my ASMR resistance. Goosebumps.

  20. Abby H says:

    God I didn't age well

  21. What's wrong with your voice?

  22. Is this what happens when you do too many drugs?

  23. alex r says:

    Was doing really good then this LOUD ASS commercial plays and wakes me up and now my heart is racing…

  24. atomzero1 says:

    Yes, I do love that sound.

  25. Empires shall fall at but a glance of these eyes