ASMR – Louisiana, Quebec: History of New France

The French Whisperer ASMR

Hi guys, As promised, I talk about the History of New France today. I tell you why and how France colonized parts of North America, how these territories were …


21 Responses

  1. The power and glory of the french nation in the North America is more known than never before but there's still some works to do. The books are undusted, the artifacts are unsoiled and the interests of the quebecois and americans is growing. It's a good thing to our neighbors to know more about the truth because almost everyone in Canada/United-States is holding some affilities indeed some family roots. The Quebec nation is the result of a epic trip to an unknown land and a crazy project of exploration the land and the rivers,between the autochtone clans and the majestic wilderness. The trade road of fur, treaty and the technologies given btween each other have been making a kind of fusion of two distinct nations to became one known as Métis. The important thing here is that, despite difference and language, the dialogues and the active listening can resolve problems and create attachments indeed a new modern nation. Most of my ancestors came from the France and the Maine state in the years 1700.

  2. Tusk says:

    should show this to alternate history hub

  3. Merci!! Please do a video on the American revolution ♥️

  4. I'm French Creole and I love France and wish we were still La LOUISIANE

  5. Jacob says:

    Omg I spent a full minute looking at this map thinking the ocean and the land were inverted

  6. In Louisiana french culture is almost gone unfortunately due to multiculturalism. Only old people speak it

  7. Jikook Army says:

    I already learnt all this in highschool, but your voice is so soothing!

  8. Interesting video. Captivating and somehow somewhat soothing.

    There are a couple of errors in the detail of the history:
    – Jacques Cartier did explore the Gulf of St. Lawrence 1534 but he did not establish a colony at that time. His attempt at colonization came during his 1535-36 expedition. Furthermore the colony was established on the north shore of the St. Lawrence at what is now Quebec City not on the south shore in the Gaspé Bay area as the author states.
    – Although the English, along with a number of other nations, had a presence in Newfoundland, the English were not officially colonizing the area at the same time that Cartier was in Quebec. Official English attempts at colonizing NL came in 1583 under Sir Humphrey Gilbert.
    – Although Quebec was established in 1608 it was not France's first colony in the region. This falls to the earlier 1605 establishment of Port Royal (Habitation) by Pierre Dugua, Sieur de Mons, in Acadia. Acadia is not located in the Gaspé Bay area. The bulk of old Acadia falls south and east of the Gaspé Bay.
    – Further along in the video the War of the Spanish Succession is mentioned and that it was concluded with the Treaty of Brunswick. The War of the Spanish succession was concluded with the Treaty of Utrecht. Under the treaty France gave up its claims to Rupert’s Land (Hudson Bay), Newfoundland, and ceded its colony of Acadia to Britain. Thus by 1755 and the deportation of the Acadians, Britain had been in control of Acadia for more than forty years. The author seems to imply Acadia fell to the British in 1755 and the Acadian deportations were a consequence of this.
    -Although many Acadians did end up in Quebec as well as Louisiana the journey was a complex one. The Acadians were deported to the other British American colonies, England and France by the British. Others fled to Quebec. Those who ended up in Louisiana and elsewhere did this by their own agency.

  9. Yeahhhhhh Louisiana ya erd me ima caucajun

  10. No Name says:

    fucking great video. i ve been interested in louisiana in recent times, for whatever reason. even tho i have no connection at all to this state. very cool video.

  11. Cole Chavez says:

    Even after France's defeat in the Seven Years War, the French had a continued legacy in North America, with many Frenchman who initially served King Louis ended up serving the new colonial powers (i.e. Spain and Britain) and later on the United States. They continued to found new cities and settlements as far west as Idaho and Washington State ( the city of Couer d'Alene was founded by French trappers working for the Hudson's Bay Company)

  12. As part French Canadian ( LaBarge), I am fascinated by this lesson.  Thank you!

  13. Very soothing history lesson. A significant chunk was left out though: The Little Canadas of New England. Big part of my family tree. Dozens of Little Canadas have contributed a significant but often ignored part of the character and history of New England since the 19th century (per the NE Historical Society). Paul Bunyan was a Canuck, thank you very much.

  14. I used this last night to help myself fall asleep. But I've got to watch the rest this morning because it was genuinely interesting. Thanks!
    PS. Never in a million years would I have guessed Detroit was a French name!

  15. I wanted to relax but I was so interested in the history lesson. I was so surprised by all the US cities with French Detroit! Cadillac!What!

  16. In case I fall asleep again. Thank you so much for your amazing ASMR presentations. I play every night. Such a soothing voice. Thank you for your research and insight. A wonderful combination!

  17. Angel Mendez says:

    I’m québécois
    Vive Quebec!

  18. Angel Mendez says:

    Can I send you maple syrup from my garden?

  19. Dcenteio says:

    But sadly, Cajun French is dying out with the younger generations.