ASMR Nail Painting Whisper Hangout


I thought it would be nice to just hangout and gossip about what’s going on in my life while trying some new nail painting ideas. I missed the snot outta you guys! I’m glad to be back yet again! Please follow me on twitter for an easier way to keep up with what’s going on in my life and a way to communicate with me better! @myownbgstfan

Thank you all for watching and subscribing!

See you again soon!


32 Responses

  1. Longtime no see. Nice to see you again. Stay pretty, keep shining.

  2. Dee…..I'm so so happy to see your beautiful face again. When I seen this video was up I got a Lil chocked up, not gonna lie,lol. You are always welcome back@_@

  3. kaptengranat says:

    !!Welcome back!!

  4. kevin hodge says:

    yes!!! new videosssss

  5. Jordy Genett says:

    I fucking love your vids!

  6. Oh and when describe to my family and friends about what my YouTube channel is………they just kinda say (oh ok that's cool) and they kinda chuckle like its a Lil weird. Which it is, but weird is totally ok with us ASMRers

  7. Joey Hammer says:

    Made my day your back. Fuckin pumped!!!!!

  8. Micaiyah says:

    What a mess ay, but hey, we still love ya

  9. Finally!!!! Missed your voice!! Love your videos, so glad to see you had some free time. Hope everything is going well in your life and you have some time for yourself 🙂

  10. Also – laquer (or however the hell you spell it) thinner helps break up the really thick nail Polish. Acetone and remover breaks it down and ruins it

  11. Freedom says:

    Are you single now???

  12. Tone. Capone says:

    $18 for a bloody Mary…it better b fucking worth it 😛

  13. Im so glad that you are back..miss ya girl..!!

  14. Elevenomaly says:

    Dee, I just found your channel a few days ago and am loving it! You're great at this — so relaxed and laid back, natural. Love this video! Thanks for doing what you do!

  15. Tren979797 says:

    Honestly though why do people in videos have those ear bud things?

  16. "I have a dryer too. That's unsettling."

    That made me crack up!

  17. Tone. Capone says:

    You look and remind me of an Ex gf…

  18. a g says:

    I love so much what you do, thanks a lot

  19. a g says:

    Deliciously soft and relaxing, so many anxiolitic prescriptions could be avoided… thanks a lot

  20. Endo says:

    I love your eyebrows.. did you do them yourself? if so.. maybe you could do a video on how to shape them so nicely? 🙂

  21. MrTuyitoX says:

    Girl you struggling! Lol. Love the vid tho 🙂

  22. Matt Hudson says:

    What a fucking dummy. Who would divorce you? Srsly

  23. Matt Hudson says:

    Badass Necklace, one of my all time favorite guitar player Stevie Ray Vaughn wore a necklace like that.

  24. lovely voice and even lovelier to look at =asmr heaven,lol.

  25. CalmMello says:

    I find you incredibly attractive and interesting, please make more videos!

  26. CalmMello says:

    By the way, I appreciate the way you explain the viewpoints people in your life take on ASMR. It's funny how people who don't get it, don't get it. However, it's sad that others make judgements or pole fun at what your expressing. I truly appreciate your videos as they calm me down when I get overwhelmed or frustrated with my busy life. Thanks Dee!

  27. tbizone2002 says:

    whatever questions you have reguarding creating or uploading videos…..PM me and I'll help you out. Have a good one 🙂 

  28. Troy Aldrich says:

    What Females have to go through to look Beautiful…………But I Love it.

  29. Marcus Jezik says:

    hey puddin, is pumken I was wondering I would love net u you know get u more.. it's OK u wanna disagree.. are u single. in professional bowler. I live a wild crazy fun life please contact me ā @Marcus Pumken tanks! puddin love pumken.

  30. Nothing says:

    What a cute woman 😀