ASMR / NO TALKING Buttons – Rummage and Sort

Collector Sounds

I’m not entirely happy with how this turned out, but I’m posting it anyway. I learned a few things for next time I make a button video (I have a rather large collection of buttons, this is just a tiny portion of it!). Next time I won’t use such a patterned fabric as a backdrop, but this very soft cotton was nearby and it seemed like a good idea at the time ;/ Maybe next time I will do a batch of buttons and fully sort them, probably by colour value.

This video has no talking with tinkly button sounds and some odd fabric brushing sounds as well. Let me know what you think!


4 Responses

  1. I like your videos 😄😉😀😀😊😃 happy

  2. I know you said you weren't entirely happy with this, but I loved it!  I have a really hard time finding videos that can trigger my ASMR.  It's so specific!  Many of the button videos have too much of the (it's hard to explain) "rubbing the buttons back and forth."  Yours was perfect.  You were just slowly sorting them with no talking.  The patterned fabric wasn't distracting to me.  Thank you very much!

  3. Good work on the video!

  4. Deb M says:

    Good video. Clear sounds. The clinking of buttons is quite soothing. About 5 minutes in there is a lot of visual interest, though for some reason it starts with an extraordinary amount of green buttons….. I like the no tapping of a tin or table. The background is busy, but it adds somewhat of a vintage feel to the video.