Asmr No Talking | Massage Vietnam | $9,5 Body Massage at Co Beauty & Healthy

Henry Rolling – Massage Asmr & Travel

Asmr No Talking | Massage Vietnam | $9,5 Body Massage at Co Beauty & Healthy
Today, we will continue with Co Beauty & Healthy at No 3, Lane 409/53 Kim Ma, Ba Dinh, Hanoi, Vietnam
Body Massage here is so relaxing, will help you improve your health quality, sleep better with the price is only $9,5
Hotline/Booking: 097.208.1111/091.441.6789

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The content of my video focuses on review the Spa, Barber Shop, Hair Salon, Massage Parlor…etc in Vietnam to help my viewer choose the most suitable address. It also introduces the massage process of how to relieve stress, headache, backache, muscle pain, …etc and facial masage technique as a reference for anybody who wants to do self-massage at home.

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3 Responses

  1. STORY360 Pro says:

    This video need to make more zoom

  2. STORY360 Pro says:

    Next time please do more close zoom