ASMR: Paint Pens and Glass


Hello again! I’ve (FINALLY!) got internet access again, and things have settled down for the time being at the new house, so expect more videos to come …


49 Responses

  1. Eww…  Jeff Goldblum?  Really?

  2. I liked when you washed away the marker. It felt like you erased my mistakes and regrets

  3. 306drewdrop says:

    Wow this video went behind to relax me very well done and truly peaceful i had no trouble reading.or understanding wat u r
    wrote good job hope u still make more great vids

  4. It is very interesting to watch the bubbles "gravitate" towards each other, almost like a sped up version of the galaxies in our Universe.

  5. 최재혁 says:

    I always play your video when i am in bed
    Makes me sleep… i used to have trouble sleeping….

  6. Usually people who write graffiti are good at writing backwards i was going to ask but you obviously flipped the video haha

  7. 19usjazzman says:

    This video didn't do shit for me.

  8. The tingles I got from this were almost sinful ;D

  9. Clare Carr says:

    I do think think she flipped anything .. Some people like myself can just wrote backwards as easily as forwards ….

  10. Good idéa 
    so relaaaaaax

  11. Jeff Goldblum ❤️💜💚💙

  12. sewn3 says:

    anyone know what paint pen shes using?

  13. Beautiful letter 😀

  14. Cha! you sound real excited to be making a new video…. 2:55

  15. mcn625 says:

    What happened to the page flipping, cutting video you uploaded a month or so ago. You delete it?

  16. flighty says:

    Thank you, you are really good at doing this and you just gave me an idea…

  17. HADDERAJJAN says:

    How can you write so good backwards ? 

  18. Jeff Krong says:

    I noticed many ASMR artists having a problem with hiss, especially when recording very quiet sounds, like writing on glass for example. The thing of it is if you're using sound recorders with integrated mics and preamps, such as ZOOM, the mics might be ok, but they're using cheap mic preamplifiers with a lot of hiss. If you want to lower the hiss, either put the recorder closer or buy external mic(s) and a high quality preamplifiers (doesn't necessarily have to be a costly tube preamps). I've tested a 20 years old preamp inside of a studio video machine and they produced lower hiss than the typical recorders with integrated preamps. So remember, don't spend all your money on mics, because the quality also depends on preamp used.

  19. anguirus says:

    this is one of the most relaxing videos I've ever watched, I turned into melted butter for a solid forty minutes thanks to you

  20. My discovery of ASMR (although I just recently learned what to call it) involved watching my Grandfather draw and write.  This took me back nearly 50 years to that experience.  The only thing I can think to say is, thank you and … More please!

  21. If you count the bacterial flagellum, some animals do have wheels of a sort.  

  22. little blue says:

    This is lovely!  Would be great to do some drawing as well..maybe a mandala? The tapping glass and marker caps are great triggers for me.

  23. Ryan Baggett says:

    The underline with the two smaller lines in the middle, is that just a thing done stateside or something? I only ask because relaxingasmr (great channel) does it. Seems somewhat coincidental otherwise.

  24. Calé Frost says:

    I love your handwriting! Another lovely video ♥

  25. One of the things I've learned throughout my life is how easy it is to see the beauty in others, while we struggle with accepting who we are and truly learning to love ourselves. One of the things I've come to notice in your videos is a clue to your own struggles with self-acceptance. I hope you learn to see yourself the way others do. My husband says to me ' look after my wife the way I would' and it really makes me think about being kind to myself instead of beating myself up for what I see are my imperfections. So, look after yourself the way your best-friend in the whole wide world would. You make wonderful videos.

  26. Luis Lizard says:

    If you had used a squeegee to wipe the writing, it would have been a greater vid!!!!

  27. Jynx ASMR says:

    I love this one 🙂 Lovely job Miss Violet.

  28. Batiray says:

    You really are single? Please marry me 🙂

  29. J.E. Rice says:

    Great video! Love it!

  30. Your capital "A" around 11:40 is beautiful…oh who am I kidding. I'm a sucker for good handwriting and, I have to say, yours is so full of life!

  31. I come to this channel no longer hoping for new content, like the rains in my Southern California drought ridden home, it will come in its’ own time regardless of my desire.  I am always struck by the originality, care and thought put in each video.  I am astounded every time.  That said, I'd be happy to hear VVV read a phone book.  The "Hair Brushing and Relaxing Rambling" is crazy good too.  So I do continue to visit and watch old favorites, hoping to someday to feel a drop of rain on my weary tympanic membrane.

  32. Come back soon, Vio! We miss you and your awesome videos.

  33. 20:37 scared the shit out of me lol, I was looking away

  34. Hadou Beats says:

    21:30 I was expecting dickbutt. I'm now disappointed.

  35. Will Johnson says:

    This channel seems to be dead 🙁

  36. You write sooo pretty😊😊

  37. DA42PIC says:

    She is absolutely amazing and a true talent. To me – ASMR is 98% subtlety. The sounds need to be light, incidental and not deliberately made and spoken words are slooow, soft, short and spaced widely. We all differ of course but this woman has nailed it cold in my book. She's just a kid and is likely going through all the phases that life throws at us. If she returns and dedicates herself to it – she will blow every other ASMRer out of the water.

  38. Neat Monster says:

    This reminds me of when teachers would write on the overhead projector in school!

  39. the other asmr violet came back let's hope this violet does too!!

  40. P W says:

    Love this video but the pen and paper sound wake me up again!

  41. where's my 2017 squad at?

  42. FearMustLose says:

    Can you do this but with a paint brush

  43. Where did you go?

  44. Mae G. says:

    I miss you