ASMR Painting a Wooden Tavern Sign

Goodnight Moon

The first half has the real audio, but for the second half I had the mic in a bad spot and the audio was unusable. I tried my best to replace it with foley so the …


39 Responses

  1. Hey Erin! What did you end up using this tavern sign for? It ended up looking amazing, and I was just wondering if you were planning to use it for a video (perhaps for a babble brook in role-play? :D), or it was simply just a fun project. Thanks!

  2. bee ! says:

    you’re my favorite asmrtist & i love your videos💓💞

  3. sappho says:

    'It looks nice to have your lightest lights hugging your darkest darks.' That was unintentionally beautiful.

  4. gasp she said the S-word

  5. Laura Mino says:

    TIL that pencil on wood is just about the best trigger I've ever had the pleasure of hearing. <3

  6. how many times do you say "texture"?

  7. Rainy Chan says:

    When you didn’t cover that little small bit of the wheel it triggered my OCD sooo bad lol 😂

  8. Leslie Rae says:

    Can you do more art videos? This was lovely

  9. NGorso1 says:

    However you positioned you mic, it sounds awesome.

  10. Ai Astin says:


  11. The weirdest eway I ever saw someone hold a pen

  12. Wow. You truly are an artist. Very relaxing and soothing to watch. When I saw the sign in Babblebrook I wondered if it was real or if you used photoshop. It's awesome to see behind the scenes. Thank you 😀

  13. PhilBo says:

    bob ross in female and alive and cute

  14. 9:36 wow, I never knew you swore 🤣

  15. You are the real artist.

  16. You're so Friggin' Cute and Delicious ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)™

  17. This was incredible. The attention to detail is superb!

  18. Kanu Pandit says:

    I got an ASMR advertisement at the beginning of this video.
    Youtube has finally answered our prayers!

  19. asubean1 says:

    Your talent is incredible! But did u really paint over a vintage sign?

  20. Hannah says:

    What music did you use in the end? I like it

  21. CZA etc. says:

    The only thing I don't like about your videos is that I will never actually be able to visit the Babblebrook inn…. But through your videos I can at least feel like I'm there 🙂

  22. joycey joy says:

    holy crap it must have taken an insane amount of time to foley in over half an hour's worth of footage… from an ADR/foley studio engineer who knows how difficult that is, you have my respect! thank you for always putting in your 110% in the work that you do, it is never unnoticed 💛

  23. E R F says:

    you should’ve sanded them off! very easy and give you a clean slate towork with. still turned out amazing

  24. Emma Cloud says:

    She did all of this for one shot in the babblebrook inn videos. the absolute dedication

  25. IWLPanda says:

    I could listen to you talk literally for weeks straight

  26. Am I the only one who thought the bread looked moldy at one point

  27. At first I thought she’s going to ruin this neat old sign but I had no idea what an amazing artist I was watching

  28. Danie K says:

    Does anyone know what this kind of sign is called? I’ve been looking for a antique one to put in my garden but “wooden swinging sign” doesn’t bring anything like it up. Any help?

  29. Aww 🙁 you painted over such a lovely painting

  30. Aoristic says:

    Ever heard of pub cricket? No, it’s not a drunk insect😊 When you drive on the byroads in the UK, you count every head that is in a pub sign. That is your score per ‘ball’ – so yours will be 2. If there is no head, i.e. ‘The Globe’, you’re out. Each team obviously (as every fule knows😊) has 10 goes, before the team is bowled out. Time for the next team etc.

  31. Aoristic says:

    You make me want to take up painting. Alas, when I paint a splodge, it stays a splodge. Yours become an organic part of the greater picture. Especially your layering I find fascinating. Ever thought of painting a piece on here and then selling it, say via silent bidding over a week?

  32. Wait but how are you a god

  33. Tgernos says:

    Love this so much

  34. Your multiple talents constantly amaze me. Wether it is the quality of your videos,the make up skills,your drawing skills,you really know your craft and i really admire your work. Take good care of that creativity of yours,thank you for everything 🙂

  35. THAT WAS AMAZING!! I don't think I could do that but it looks so beautiful and amazing it is the most impressive thing I have ever seen.😊

    I also really love your Babalebook series it is amazing and I would love to find out what happens after the listener fulfills what the dark which has asked of us. It would be interesting to see that as a new part of the Biblebook series. 🥰