*~ ASMR ~* Painting Frosty Bushes and Snow | ASMR Softly Spoken

Brad Robbo

asmr painting video, distant tree/bush shapes, highlighting them with snow covered icy leaves, then sweeping in some snowy land =)… Softly Spoken for ASMR …


36 Responses

  1. Brad Robbo says:

    Thank you Sarah =) Appreciate it! πŸ˜€

  2. Brad Robbo says:

    Yes, I should! Mmh, feel free to help me out, share some videos πŸ˜‰

  3. Brad Robbo says:

    Cheers buddy πŸ˜€ I painted the sky in the previous video :3 (at the end of this video "Watch previous video" … that's made me realise I should remember to put it in the description too, thanks!)

  4. Brad Robbo says:

    I could've! I would've! Just the right kinda sky for that huh? =D Maybe not this time – I might make it snow though… although I'm not sure, might be a bit too dark at night and risky covering the painting by accident with globs of snow… *trembles* =P

  5. Brad Robbo says:

    I'm glad you think so/see that =D Thanks for the lovely comment! πŸ˜€

  6. Brad Robbo says:

    You should! Haha, I love your comments <3
    And hehe, my ad libs, oh lawdy, good, I'm glad, I admit in editing watching the video back I make myself chuckle too, repeat what I say in a mimicking way and "Oh Brad…" heh… or something like that. You're welcome! πŸ™‚

  7. Brad Robbo says:

    Hehe, tinkles. =P
    Random memory, reminded me of someone putting Bo Burnham Lyrics on his facebook page and getting everything right except for "tingles" they put "tinkles" at the end, and Bo caught it and replied in a comment =P Was fun.

  8. Brad Robbo says:

    Thanks toughsuga! Glad you got tingles, and amazing ones at that, heh =) Thanks for sharing!

  9. Brad Robbo says:

    Yay for ASMR ;p!

  10. Brad Robbo says:

    you're welcome a million, carlos. aah that's so nice to know – i'm glad its working for you buddy!!! I'm glad they can do that for you, woo =) Awesome. That's nice, that's good =)

  11. Brad Robbo says:

    Thank you Candy!!! I'm super glad it relaxed you and that you liked it so much =D Woop!

  12. Brad Robbo says:

    Cheers Garra!!

  13. Brad Robbo says:

    You know, I actually had the idea to quite a while ago!! A huge wall mural type thingy =P (I'd have to use acryllic though and definitely not oil! Way too expensive/wasteful :P) Thought it'd be something reddit would like to see also, heh =P "I watched Bob Ross and then painted some happy trees on my wall, what do you think?"

  14. Brad Robbo says:

    Chers Carlos Ferreira!! Glad yoiu like it!!!!!

  15. Brad Robbo says:

    Thanks buddy!!
    You know I had to google it the last time you used that word, and it corrected it for me – I think you mean "scintilla" =P "A tiny trace or spark of a specified quality…" And you DO have, its in there! I know it, I know it is!! Try, try, try again (with ANYTHING creative at all!) and appreciate what you've done regardless, any mistakes is fine, they are learning experiences, and as you know, happy accidents that can be fixed or learned from =D Espeially this method, so forgiving

  16. Brad Robbo says:

    Heh, aw shucks.

  17. Brad Robbo says:

    Cheers Starman!

  18. Brad Robbo says:

    D'aww thank you!!! =D Glad you like it ^_^

  19. Brad Robbo says:

    Woop! I'm glad you think so =D Glad you find it fun too πŸ™‚

  20. Brad Robbo says:

    Heh, thanks buddy !!

  21. Brad Robbo says:

    Thanks joy =D! Ah its fine don't worry about it =) I don't mind! I understand what you mean though but yeah, is ok ^_^ – and cheers, will do, and you have fun too!

  22. Brad Robbo says:

    Lawl xD thanks rowoss! Bob Rowoss?

  23. Brad Robbo says:

    Woop!!! Aww yay thank you ^_^ Huzzah! Really glad you like it and stuff πŸ˜€ Cheers Ilse!!! love brad

  24. Brad Robbo says:

    I'm glad you think so MrMraggies! Cheers for commenting =)

  25. Brad Robbo says:

    Yay! I'm glad =) Thanks!

  26. Brad Robbo says:

    aaahahahahah, oh man <3 this made me chuckle, because I (I'm stil chuckling typing this xD) I know what you're referring to I *think* – and actually in the next video that I'm almost done editing I say at some point that I "neeeed more midnight black" or something, not enough, too blue :P)
    Hah, what a great comment, it just tickled me!

  27. Brad Robbo says:

    Super!! Bob Ross is mah hero <3 πŸ˜›
    Glad that it reminds you of that =)

  28. Brad Robbo says:

    Awesome! Thank you so much, seriously =) Huzzah!

  29. Sarah Nolan says:

    I need a new video! : X they definitely improve my sleep, ten-fold!

  30. CCCAnnie says:

    I see a little silouhetto of a man… lmao robbo

  31. Halo Rose says:

    Ahh you're so northern haha

  32. woaah..perfect..oh my god…so..so sleepy right now, thank you<3 ^^

  33. Brad Robbo says:

    assssgdfdfdfjfjfjkd:3 <3! πŸ™‚ ^_^

  34. ajmcrobs says:

    These videos are the best. I don't get into this, but I felt compelled to tell you. I'm a recovering addict, and these videos help my head from spinning when I can't sleep. Your videos help me relax and get thoughts of wanting to be high off my mind. So, God bless man.