~ ASMR ~ Painting on Canvas ~ Soft Spoken, Brushing, Tapping ~

ASMR Attack

Hey! I wanted to get back to basics a little bit, just focusing more on the relaxing and tingly side of ASMR instead of the humour. Will be coming back with more …


3 Responses

  1. Can't believe no-one has commented on this, it worked a treat on me. Still think you're bonkers in the nut though.

  2. Oooops, forgot to sub, done now.

  3. Three of my favourite things to scribble on notepads: ants, spotted mushrooms, and rain. The only thing that could improve this picture would be if the boss ant were wearing a crooked top hat wi' a patch on it and if there were a staff with a red and white dotted handkerchief tied to its end leaning against t' mushroom. 
    Good stuff.